
Showing posts from November, 2017

Perfection is non-existent

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about idolising perfection. Before we get on to the blog post, make sure you hit that follow button to get all the latest. Today's shout out goes to Talia Fidra on YouTube. She is an amazing ballerina and does amazing tutorials on improving your technique. Please check her out and let her know that I sent you! Now let's get on to the blog post👉. I never really understood why people aim for something that does not exist. And that something is "perfection." We idolise it but really it does not exist. So why do we work so hard for it? If you think about it, perfection is the reason that many mental illnesses exist. It corrupts our mind because we want to achieve it. We want to achieve the impossible. To get noticed in society. Let's look at anorexia for example. This is something that happens to a lot of people especially girls. It's all about narrowing down the weight to get to something which is fo...

Getting my first pair of ballroom shoes!👠

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be talking about my ballroom shoes. Before we get on to the blog post, make sure you hit that follow button to keep up with all the latest. Today's shout out goes to Vista woman here on blogger. I like her blog posts because they're genuine and enjoyable to read so please do check her out here and let her know that I sent you  . Now, let's get on to the blog post. As some of you may know, I've started a new dance school. If you want more info then check out my blog post called starting a new dance school. I've really been enjoying it and the people there are such a contrast to my other dance school. They actually talk to me! I had to keep reminding my parents to get me the uniform needed for the dance class. So on the day, my mum was busy working so she had to send a text to my dad with everything that I needed. My dad got super stressed! We had to rush ...

My blogmas plans!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about my blogmas plans. Before I get on to the blog post, make sure you hit that follow button to get all the latest. Today's shout out goes to Jo and Britt on YouTube. There videos literally make me crack up; they're so funny and entertaining so please do check them out and let them know that I sent you. Now, let's get on to the blog post👉 🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶🐱🐶 So yeah as you may have noticed, I will be doing blogmas! However, I need your help. I'm not exactly sure when I will be posting, I was thinking every weekend up until Christmas day. However if you would like me to do every day or something else, then please let me know in the comments below. Here are some of my posting ideas: November favourites My winter pamper routine/night time routine Christmas history A wintery day out Winter clothing haul Christmas recipes Christmas crafts Christm...

What do I want to be when I'm older?

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about my ambitions. Before we get on to the blog post, make sure you're following me to get all the latest. Today's shout out goes to Eltoria on YouTube. I really like her videos because they're unique and different. I especially love her advent calender opening videos so please do check her out. Now let's get on to the blog post!👉 Do you know when you just have that rush of inspiration flooding through your mind? I had one of those days. I'll be honest, I've been lacking in inspiration lately. I do dance and I love it don't get me wrong but it's just as if I've been doing the same routine over and over again and nothing new is entering my brain. But one day, I decided it was time to change. I guess the fact that I was so unwilling to do stuff made me want to do something even more. I started going back to the basics. I asked myself, "why do I want to be a dancer?". Well....

Breaking the rules for the right reasons can lead to positive changes☺

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. First of all if you are new to my blog then hello welcome! I am a writer,blogger and dancer. It would mean the world if you could hit that follow button on the side of this blog post. Today's shout out goes to Mia's life on YouTube. She is a similar age to me and she does beauty and lifestyle videos so I would definitely check her out! Now let's get on to the blog post👉 You may be slightly confused by the title of this blog post and if you are then don't worry, I've got you covered! So recently,  I had a conference day at my school. If you don't know what conference day is, than it is basically a day in school when we talk about one subject. This subject was on relationships. With this came learning about the LGBT (lesbian,gay,bisexual and transgender) community. It was all fine at first until we had to learn about the pronouns. There were so many to remember. The teacher said that by using the incorrect pronoun, can offend ...

Starting a new dance school-Ballroom and hip hop dancing!😯

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about starting a new dance school. Firstly, are you following me on this blog? You definitely should by just clicking the follow button on the side of this post. I post photography posts, dance and writing blog posts so you definitely don't want to miss them! As some of you may know, for every post, I give somebody a shout out. Today's shout out goes to Kathy here on blogger. I really enjoyed the blog post she did on veterans day, I thought that it was very nice of her to do that! If you would like to read more of her blog posts, you can find her here:  . Now, let's get on to the blog post.👉 I have recently started a new dance school in Cambridgeshire. The whole reason why I went there was to get away from the mean and horrible people at my old dance school. If you would like to hear more about that story, then check out my blog post called "I quit ...

Returning to Norfolk

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. I've returned to Norfolk yay! Before we get on to the blog post, make sure you follow me on this blog in the sidebar to get all the latest. Today's shout out goes to Linda's life journal. She has been a great support on this blog and she does amazing blogs so check her out here:  .Now, let's get on to the blog post. So I found out hat we were going to Norfolk through my mum because she had to deliver a cake for a wedding. It was only for three days but of course, I was still excited. It was about a two hour drive from Cambridge to Norfolk and it was obvious that I was getting bored. I tend to act really grown up when I'm not travelling but when I am, it's a whole other story. However, we won't go into details. So anyway, we arrived at our destination. The land owner said to my mum that she would leave the light on so she would know which cottage to enter. However my mu...

Bonus blog post - I'm in Norfolk

Hi guys, I'm in Norfolk, For more images, check out my instagram- How's your Saturday going? Let me know in the comments below, Bye

The Duke of Endinburgh Awards

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about the Duke of Edinburgh awards. Before we get on to the blog post, make sure to hit the follow button on the sidebar. I hope you love the blog transformation. I've been working on it for the past few days to make things more accessable and aesthetically pleasing. I hope you appreciate it! Today's shout out goes to Ladylike on YouTube. They do amazing videos. We as women can definitely relate to the videos. Please go and check them out! Let's get on to the blog post. The Duke of Edinburgh Awards. A self-improvement program for adolescents and adults. This was founded by Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. At first, I wasn't so sure about joining this program. It just didn't seem my thing; doing volunteering work and completing challenges until finally, surviving for two days in the wilderness. However, something inside me just clicked. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. By doing this, it sh...

October favourites

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be showing you my October favourites. Before we get onto the blog post, If your a frequent user here than please follow me in the sidebar of my homepage it would mean a lot. If your not a frequent user, than please press the subscribe button on my homepage to get e-mail notifications.Today's shout out goes to Family Fizz on Youtube. I really enjoy their videos they're so genuine so please subscribe to them. Now let's get onto the blog post. My first favourite is this Argan oil hand and nail cream. This is really good to use when your hands get dry and it also strengthens your nails too! My next favourite is this bear. If you don't know me then you have to know that I have got a lot of bears! Each of them have different purposes and this one is really cuddly! As my dad says, if in doubt hug a bear! My next favourite is this notebook I got from Wilkinsons. This is really good for revision. ...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 5 hrs ago
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