Why did the Holocaust begin?-my Holocaust series

Hi guys and welcome back to my Holocaust series,

Firstly, I would just like to apologise for not uploading a blog post on Friday. I was just quite busy and I didn't have the time to upload anything that day so I'm sorry.
Secondly. Today's blog post is a continuation of a blog post I did about 2 weeks ago. There, I explained everything so if you would like to know more then you can find that post here:https://jujupage1sblog.blogspot.co.uk/2018/02/why-is-holocaust-called-holocaust.html . Now, let's get on to the blog post.👉

So I guess the main question for this series is 'why did the Holocaust Begin?'. I took a look at CBBC's Newsround page on why the Holocaust commenced. Straight away I read that Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi party in 1921. It was said that they wanted to continue the 'Aryan' race.
(I know some of you don't know what Aryan is so here is the Newsround definition)


Google definition)

 It then went on to talking about Hitler introducing anti-Semitic laws which were basically laws which basically discriminated Jews living in the areas that he controlled. However, I didn't get answers as to why Hitler hated the Jewish. He could have chosen any religion but he decided to choose the Jewish religion. I looked on the Anne Frank house website to find out more.
 On this website, it said that an important term to use was 'scapegoat'. Hitler and the Nazis blamed the Jewish for being responsible for losing World War One and the economic crisis. They state that this is untrue and personally I agree because they did not have any evidence to back up their points. However, there is also an argument that it was a different time and they had different opinions about things. Though, this doesn't mean that what they did to the Jewish was okay.


What do you think about how the Holocaust started? Was it necessary? I would like to read a really interesting comment on this!

see you next time,


XOX, Juju

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