Swiss rolls,tree cutting and raclette- Juliette's 3 day journeys

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog,

Friday 16th March 2018
I must say, I was very happy. On Friday 16th of March 2018, I was convinced that I would have a Swiss roll disaster. My cooking teacher expected us to make a Swiss roll in under an hour. I highly doubted that I would not get it done on time but wow, I was pleasantly surprised. In fact, I got an A for it. Look at my master piece.

My friend was disappointed since hers turned out like an ice-cream cone.  Hers did look nice and it was a challenge to do in under an hour.I published the photo of mine on instagram. Here's what we commented. 
-Yours looks so much better than mine. Mine's like an ice-cream cone.
-(me) ice-cream cones are nice tho!

See, I'm not one to put people down!

In the evening, we had dinner. My memory is so bad that I forgot what we had but just imagine a nice plate of food! The swiss roll was nearly gone.After dinner, I know we watched Merlin because it has kind of become a routine for us. We've watched it a lot before but since we forget what happens, it's like watching a new series all over again! Then, by 9pm, me and my sister were in bed.

Saturday 17th March 2018
I woke up early because unfortunately, although it was the week end, my body clock was still in school mode. So, I spent 1 hour and 30 minutes precisely on my tablet watching YouTube and before I knew it, it was 9 am. So for all the budding mathematicians out there, you probably worked out by now that yes, I woke up at 7:30am. This is why I despise school sometimes.

Anyway. When I finally ventured downstairs, it was time to have breakfast. I had to get all the little pomegranate things out of the pomegranate which took longer than it needed to but oh well! So I had the pomegranate with yogurt oats and honey. It was nice I must say.

I watched The Dumping Ground with my sister whilst eating my breakfast and then ventured upstairs to do some homework. I had to complete an essay for RE and I'm not sure I've done it right but hey at least I did it.

After eating pizza for lunch, we went to Aldi to get some bits and bobs for a raclette. Now I know what you're thinking 'Juliette what the hecky peck is a raclette?.'  Well, it's one of these things.

It's basically this thing with a hotplate on top to cook stuff and mini pan's underneath to cook stuff too. Very descriptive Juliette.  It comes from France hence the French sounding name. It's quite fun because you can cook whatever you want on it. 

On the way to Aldi, I saw something horrible. There was once an area on the side of the road that was covered in trees. When I went passed there recently, there was nothing left. It was quite sad because they were obviously going to build something there for peoples entertainment without considering something useful. Just goes to show that we are damaging our environment. 

Anyway, we came home had a shower and got into our PJs.  We ate the raclette which, by the way, was delicious before watching another episode of Merlin. It's an old series but still one of our faves! Then, at around 9pm, we went to bed.
Sunday 18th March 2018
I woke up a little later on Sunday. Still not late enough for the weekend but was decent. I woke up at around 8 am and watched some YouTube. My favourite YouTubers at the moment are-Anastasia Kingsnorth, The Sacconejoly's,Pointlessblog vlogs and More Zoella. By the way, can I just say, I love the fact that Zoe is doing 40 minute long vlogs. I love watching them over a long period of time. Well done Zoella!

 At the usual time of 9am, I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Today, since there was nothing else to eat, I made myself a breakfast mug muffin. If you want me to do a blog post on the recipe then please let me know in the comments below because it is honestly delicious. I got inspiration from Gemma Stafford's channel so you can also see a similar recipe there.

I ate my breakfast whilst watching the episode of Merlin called 'The lady of the lake'. It's really good, you guys should totally watch it.☺

I spent most of the day lounging around since I had finished all my homework and had nothing else to do. To be honest, I enjoyed the feeling. The weekend before was a jam packed week full of dance shows so I was happy that this weekend was a bit, you know,chill! 

My sister, Alice, went into town with her friend to help her look for part-time jobs. It's hard to believe that she is actually nearly sixteen and nearly old enough to have a job. We didn't expect much from this job search. My parents laughed at the innocence. Hey, it's better than some teens. Plus, it will probably be me in the future. Haha!

The whole time my sister was away, me and my mum practiced filming a few things for her socials. You can probably find her socials @goumandises1. I am desperate to learn a few things in the arts of video editing. I hope to have a YouTube channel in the future all about dance. The first scene was funny since my mum started to speak French for no reason! We all laughed at that one!

Then I attempted to conjure another Swiss roll but stupidly put in the whipped cream onto a warm sponge. See, we all get things wrong sometimes!

Then the usual, dinner, Merlin and bed!

Hope you enjoy my 3 day journey this time,
Let me know what you think about doing these sorts of posts. Do you like or dislike them? Let me know in the comments below, they're always a pleasure to read! 

See you next time,


XOX, Juju
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