My morning routine during quarantine - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

If there's one thing that I have really enjoyed doing during lockdown and quarantine, is not having to get up early in the morning. Even when I've had some homeschooling to do, I was able to take my time in the morning and get up a little later and that was something that I really enjoyed. Admittedly, come September (or whenever we're going back to school) I will definitely have to get up at six in order to catch the bus to college in the morning but I guess that's just part of being a sixth form student. However, for now at least, I can enjoy the simple luxury of not having to necessarily look at the clock.

Today, I woke up at 8:00am and watched a bit of YouTube. The person I've been really getting into watching is Steve Backshall. He's a wildlife show host and I used to watch his Deadly 60 program on CBBC, before going to school in the morning. He is famous for handling some of the most dangerous animals, from picking up a tarantula to swimming with great white sharks without a cage! I couldn't do what he does, as I think that I'll definitely be too scared but I liked reminiscing on the past shows I used to watch as a 9 year old, on his newly-created YouTube channel that he now uses for homeschooling. Today, I watched his video called Scorpions at Night and I'm sure that you can tell that it was a bit nerve-wracking to watch but it was also incredibly entertaining. 😂

Scorpions at Night

At 9:00am, I got up, went to the toilet, and then went to check up on the chickens. I might as well give an update on our largest hen, Parsnip. As I've mentioned in my other post, we think that Parsnip may have hit and injured her foot, after she jumped off the gate to the chicken's inside enclosure. She was limping around a lot so we gave her salt and vinegar baths and we also isolated her for a couple of days. Now she isn't really limping anymore, she does seem to be walking around a lot more smoothly, and she still loves eating but her foot is still swollen in comparison to her other foot and we don't think she's laying. It's a bit weird because she was laying around a week ago, when her foot was at a much worse state and she had to hop up the ladder to get to the egg box so we don't really know what's wrong with her exactly. My dad made a better ladder that didn't have gaps in between the steps so all the chickens can get up and down without hurting themselves. We did also find a bit of a red, puffy spot at the bottom of Parsnips foot so we think she may have something like Bumble foot but we're still unsure. Right now, we're still giving her baths, putting antiseptic spray on her foot in case it is an infection, my dad also cleans the pen weekly to get rid of any mites and we've also put calcium in the water so that she can hopefully start laying again. We've also ordered some Epsom salts to put in the baths to clean her so that she can start laying again. It's all a bit uncertain and we don't know if she'll still live but we're new to this so we're learning new methods as we go along. If you have any helpful tips then please let me know in the comments below. 👇


For now at least, I cleaned out the chicken's water pot, added some water and my mum added a decent pour of calcium. It's good for all of the chickens anyway so we were not worried about using it.

My sister decided to clean out the pen later so we went and had some breakfast beforehand. I had a bowl of mixed fruit that I de-frosted and also a couple slices of brioche with jam and marmalade. My mum made the brioche and it was absolutely delicious. I thought that making brioche would be difficult but although it takes time, the method is really simple. It's all about adding butter to your dough I guess. My mum doesn't make it too sweet as well so a couple slices with jam and marmalade, made it taste really good. 👌


My sister cleaned out the newspaper in the pen and then I went upstairs to brush my teeth. I got ready quickly as me and my sister were making roast dinner by ourselves. Last Sunday, my mum showed us the method and today, we had a go by ourselves. I did the chicken and gravy and my sister, did the roast potatoes. When things were cooking, we did an awkward alternation to make our beds and finish getting ready. However, when we finished the roast dinner and boiled all the vegetables, the end result looked amazing. My mum said it was restaurant-quality so I'll call that a success! ✊

Our roast dinner

And that is my morning routine done and dusted. I hope you enjoyed!

Do you like staying in bed for longer now that we're in quarantine? Do you prefer getting up earlier? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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