Dealing with setbacks - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 5) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Today, I'm going to give you an update on how things are currently going in terms of my fundraising for the Tanzania Project. So far, there have been a few changes that arose at the beginning of the 3rd lockdown this month. The good news is that I've begun work at Project 21, the dance group I had an interview with at Ipswich in December. The other good news is that because I got a new tablet over Christmas, I've now erased my old one so that I can sell it second hand and get added money for Tanzania. This will add to my £900 that I've currently saved up. 

However, the slightly bad news is that although I'm working at Project 21, I'm not going to get paid for what I do until I enter physical classes with the group after lockdown. This is because Alex, my employer, has had to furlough some staff so she understandably can't afford to have me as a paid worker in this lockdown. I don't even know exactly when I will be able to go back to physical classes with them because Alex mentioned something about having all the students vaccinated before they return so we will just have to wait and see. Obviously, this is a big setback, I can't lie about that and after travelling all the way to Ipswich for the interview, I was definitely a bit gutted. However, you're probably wondering why I'm deciding to still stay as a volunteer at Project 21. Well, I'm working there because it's good experience for future job opportunities and it is giving me something to do. It's also going towards a good cause and doing dance with children is something that I've always wanted to do so I might as well continue. If a better opportunity comes along, with better timing, I will take it but I don't see the issue with doing this job at the moment.

On Saturday, I took a class with the Cambridge Project 21 group on Microsoft Teams since Project 21 had obviously stopped their usual classes. It was a lot of fun and I could tell that the students really enjoyed the dancing! Since I'm also doing online school for college until February half term (oh, joy!), I was more used to the lesson being online. It wasn't ideal and I much prefer talking to people in person, but one must embrace this new technology and take it for what it is. I just hope that a good attitude and a good sense of punctuality, will eventually give me the payslip that I require. 

In the meantime, I've applied for another job. It's to be a dance instructor at this dance school in Cambridge. I reckon that it's probably a bit too far fetched for me because most people start teaching properly when they're 18 but they did say that although it is preferable, you don't need teaching qualifications as they might train you with them so I decided to give it a go. They've seen my application so we'll just have to wait for the outcome.

I'm also giving my old clothes and dance shoes to my mum on Monday,  the day that you're reading this, so that she can put them for sale of Facebook Marketplace. Hopefully this should give me some extra added money to my total as well. I'm also continuing to help my mum wash her tart cases for her cake business and that's £5 a week coming in so that should still help as well.

I was a bit upset at first with hearing the news regarding Project 21 but I've come to terms with it at least a little bit more. You can't really continue to sulk over something that you can't really change and unfortunately, the pandemic is one of these things. I'm not going to give up on fundraising because all the work I do goes towards my CAS portfolio, my college enrichment programme, so it doesn't matter if I slip up from time to time. It's the personal development and discovery that matters most. If Tanzania doesn't work out next year because of the pandemic, I should still get a refund and at least I will be able to use that money to go somewhere just as amazing so that's another excuse not to give up. 

Most of you are probably not fundraising during this time but even if you're looking for a job, I would just say don't give up because although it will take time, you keeping yourself busy during lockdown shows initiative which will boost you onto jobs in the far future!

How are you finding lockdown 3? Are you in a different country? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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