The plan going forward: Going back to college - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Monday, there was obviously the good news delivered by Boris Johnson that the government was going to make a conscious effort to get every pupil across the country back into the classroom following the 8th March. I've just heard from my college that I will be returning on the 9th March due to the staggered entry system but nevertheless, I'm still really excited. One of the things that my family have noticed during this 3rd national lockdown, was that dust was collecting up around the house and I think it was literally because we've been congregating in one place for so long now that dust from our own skins is literally building up around us. Probably a bit too much information but it's true! I can't wait to get back on the bike again and be in the fresh air and I'm sure whilst my parents will still mostly be at home, they'll be happy to see me back in college and my sister back at work. I am going to have to do 3 lateral flow Covid-19 tests with the first one administered on the 8th March. I'm a bit nervous because you have to poke swabs up your nose and at the back of your mouth, but I think anyone would do anything right now to get back into school physically. I'll probably document my experience later if it is of any interest to you.

So yes, I'm very glad overall. This lockdown has been challenging and probably even more challenging than the first one last year. On Saturday, I found out that my neighbour that died in hospital back in January,  her husband sadly died too. I find it freaky how 21 days after her death, my neighbour's husband died. It was like, even though he wasn't even in the right state of mind to know, he knew his soul mate was gone. As well as this unfortunate passing, my dad, who engineers designs for other companies, has been working hard on a really stressful project for the past few months that was supposed to be really successful but has ended up backfiring in many ways. He has a demonstration day on the day that you would be reading this and my mum and my sister are going there best to help because my mum is good with administration and my sister has a first aid qualification. I have no idea how it will go but as a family, I think we just want this dreadful project to end! This demonstration day and me doing online school on the day that you're reading this will mean that I will miss the final goodbye of my dear neighbour who was very good to us. Her coffin will be toured around part of the village at lunchtime for people who aren't able to attend her funeral. I'm a little sad that I can't go but her family have left us flowers from her garden to remember her by. They bloom every time it's sunny and it's wonderful to see!

Are you going back to school? How has lockdown been for you? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

P.S. Sorry for my lack of posting again on Monday. College keeps getting busy!

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