Live your life with the people you love, according to your principles, and don't waste a second - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

This year so far has been great on so many levels and has yet also been very sad on so many other levels. It's been great because although life has often feel like I was standing on a pit of quicksand, with the ever changing climate of the pandemic, I also feel as though I've achieved a lot of things that I didn't think I could during these challenging times. I don't often like talking about how much pride I have for the things I've done because I hate to sound big-headed and I prefer to let my hardwork speak for itself. However, I've honestly shocked myself because these past few months I've still gone out their and worked at Project 21, persevered through 2 months of online learning, set up my own online dance classes, taught choreography and just generally showed some sense of resilience despite all the obstacles that were in my way. I think that sometimes we've just got to be our own biggest fan and not be ashamed to give ourselves a big pat on the back for not giving up. I know that this year has been a challenge for everyone already and we've all done so incredibly well to still retain a small sense of drive within us to keep going. 

However, I'm not going to lie, there have been plenty of occasions where I haven't been as optimistic because I've felt physically drained to the core. Not to sound too negative but to put it bluntly and as realistically as possible, the thing that has been physically difficult for me to deal with has been all the deaths that have gone on around me these past 4 months. I've already talked about three of the people that have sadly passed away at the beginning of this year and I don't wish to add anymore detail onto that because it's just unnecessary and not considerate of the family members close to those people who have probably suffered more. I don't wish to talk too much about this either but on Saturday night, I just found out that another one of our family friends died. I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across a post and it had a picture of Stella Pereira with a paragraph of text in the caption paying tribute to her life and her achievements. I immediately told my sister and my mum, and it was all just followed by floods of tears because it was rather sudden and unexpected. She was an amazing human being who came and did a photography session with me and my sister back in 2019 and we learnt so much from her. She was very strong willed, kind, and sociable but she'd been living through a condition that sadly took its toll on her during this pandemic and over these past few weeks. All that is left is her legacy, a series of amazing photographs she took during this past decade or so.

Although this is obviously very sad for a lot of people, all these losses this year have taught me and propelled me to live my life the way I want it to be lived. I do get bored myself of hearing people constantly say that you've only got one chance at life so make the most of every second, but I also think that if you've got the ability to do what you want to do, I think that you shouldn't take that for granted. Some people are very ambitious and have loads of things that they want to do in life but they either can't or find it very difficult to do so because something is always in their way. Other people also have nothing in their way and yet drift through life with no ambition at all or outwardly choose to make the wrong decisions. I know that life is full of identity change and you're always going to be on a treacherous journey of discovering a new, unexplored part of yourself. However, I think it's sometimes about embracing the exploration, and not being afraid of what you don't know is coming because fear in itself, can be paralysing. Enjoy the bumps in the road, spend your ups and downs with the people that care about you, and do something every day that scares and challenges you a bit because that is the only way you're going to find yourself. If there's anything that Easter and spring tells us is that life goes on and change is inevitable and good for us. 

This probably sounds like some deep, philosophical tangent that I'm going on but that's genuinely how I've felt after hearing the news that I just heard. I'm not the most extroverted person but I do know that if I don't push myself out of my own little bubble of comfort and try new things, in the end, I know that I would never be satisfied with the life that I have lived and I now know that life cannot be wasted like that.

What are some of the good things that have happened to you so far this year? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

P.S. I've included a the post on Stella's photography session that I did with my sister back in 2019 as a featured post. You can read that post here: Photography tips that I learnt from Stella Pereira - Writing Wednesday. We took beautiful photos on that day.

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