
Showing posts from June, 2021

A trip to London Contemporary Dance School - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  On Wednesday this week, me and my IB dance class went on a school trip to London Contemporary Dance School, to watch a performance that was choreographed by the third year students there. The performance took place at 3:00pm in The Place theatre that was adjacent to the dance school and about 5 minutes away from London King's Cross Station.  As some of you already know, during the period of online learning, I did a virtual contemporary dance workshop with London Contemporary and it was a lot of fun. I haven't properly trained in contemporary dance before as I've only ever learnt the style at school and not in the studio. However, I enjoyed getting involved in the classes and getting to practise my technique with such experienced practitioners in the field. I learnt breath related movements, a lot of suspension and release, and how to improvise. It really brought me out of my comfort zone and gave me a few of the essent...

Extended essays and IAs - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  The last part of the summer term has commenced and traditionally, over my school years, I would spend this term celebrating the achievements of the last school year and I would welcome a nice long break before the entrance into the next school year. In year 12, celebrations are still a part of the contract and I shall celebrate my achievements with pride because the pandemic threw many obstacles in my way and despite those obstacles, I still made it to the end. However, one must not be ignorant that this term is going busy and summer is going to be packed to the brim. Let's just say, I won't be bored over the holidays! This is because year 13 coursework is about to commence with extended essays and a whole lot of IAs! If you don't know what the extended essay or the IAs are, I will explain. The extended essay is a 4,000 word essay on a subject and topic of your choice and we are advised to complete the first draft of t...

My IB dance mock exam results + my first dance audition - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As you all know, on the Friday just before the May half term, I did my first IB dance mock exam! For the exam, I had to choreograph my own 2 minute solo in any style, based on a given stimulus. In the end, I choreographed a contemporary routine to the song Joy by Katie Melua and my stimulus was a text and direction (as seen below). I performed my solo in front of my dance teacher, who had filmed it to send off to my other dance teacher. I ended up having to film my dance twice because the first time I filmed my solo, it was going really well but I had a mind blank in the middle of the routine and forgot some of the choreography! Nooo! 😂💜 Luckily, this didn't have any affect on my overall grade and I was able to do it again. The second time I did the wrong movement in one section and tried to cover it up. I performed the rest of the routine well and I was happy with how I did, despite having to start again. At the end of the d...

Netflix series review: L'histoire d'Arsène Lupin - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Recently, me, my mum, and my sister found this really good French series on Netflix called Lupin, which is based on the French 19th century novella, Arsène Lupin.  We decided to watch Lupin because we thought it would be a good way to practise our French. If you don't already know, part of my family is French. My mum was born on a French colony called Réunion which is a small island located off the coast of South Africa, in between Madagascar and Mauritius. My mum later moved to the South of France where she lived most of her life but she met my dad whilst she was studying at university in Liverpool. Like my older sister Alice, I was born in Paris which means that my passport is not British but in fact French. I moved to England when I was probably about a year old because my dad wanted to return home and work in this country instead. I try my best to speak French to my mum when I can but it is definitely a challenge beca...

Being a dance teaching assistant for a week - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Sorry for not posting on Wednesday. I was going to post this article on that day but got back fairly late in the evening from work experience so I thought I would publish this today and give you more information. I hope you enjoy!😀💜 This week was work experience week at my school and I chose to work as an assistant dance teacher for the week. As some of you already know, back in March I worked for the Inspirations School of Performing Arts for a week in order to earn some money for my Tanzania trip. When I heard that my college was carrying out work experience, I saw it as a perfect opportunity for me to go and work there for the week. It turns out that the preparation for this week was a bit stressful because I had to get my enhanced DBS check certificate before I could do my work experience. I had to get my DBS because it was a requirement of the primary schools that I would be helping to carry out acro dance lessons at. ...

What ascending a mountain teaches you - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 16) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  On my holiday in Wales, I went on a lot of walks to keep up with the distance that I need to complete for my sponsored walk. This is a part of my fundraising for my expedition to Northern Tanzania in the summer of 2022. If you would like to give a donation, the link to the fundraising page, along with all the information, will be at the bottom of this post. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of this post. 😊 If you follow me on Instagram (@jujupage1), you would have already seen the photos that I took of my hike up the Penygader mountain, whilst I was on my half term family holiday in Wales. As I'm writing this post, I've just got back from my holiday and I'm ready to tell you what I learnt from hiking the Penygader mountain. Penygader mountain was located approximately 20 minutes away from our chalet in Cwrt, where we were staying for the week. When we parked our car at the base of the mountain it was very difficult to gra...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 5 hrs ago
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