Innovators create dissolvable, eco-friendly cleaning tablets - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I've always been a believer in innovation, especially when it comes to generating potential solutions to protecting our environment. I truly believe that it will be down to individual minds, thinking outside the box, who will massively modernise our current, non-environmentally friendly way of working. As I'm sure many of you already know, one of our biggest issues to do with the environment, is our over-consumption of plastic and the shear amount the ends up in our oceans. As of thus far, I have not seen many potentially viable solutions to resolve this problem. Apart from Boyan Slatt, who created the first ocean's clean up system, there hasn't been something that everyone could get involved in. However, it was when my mum bought these eco-friendly cleaning tablets during her weekly shopping on Monday, that I was reminded of a pretty brilliant pitch that I saw delivered by two innovators on Dragon's Den.

Although I don't often watch Dragon's Den, me and my family decided to watch this one particular episode because we wanted something to watch in between the adverts. In this pitch that we watched, there were two guys, Tim and Matt, promoting their company, Home Things, and their new eco-friendly dissolvable cleaning tablets. The pair came up with this idea when they realised that most cleaning appliances are single-use and are not as effective as cleaning surfaces, as they make out to be. As a result, they came up with their effervescent tablets that you can put inside spray bottles and add tap water to. This means that there is almost no plastic going to waste as you would be able to reuse the bottles. The plastic packaging that the tablets come in is also compostable, and the contents of the tablets themselves have been toxicology risk-assessed and have been found to be at low risk to the environment. 

I'm not sure if the tablets that my mum bought, were made by the same people but I think the fact that she bought them was a great thing. I think at the moment, depending on where you're getting these tablets from, they can be quite expensive but if we as consumers continue to buy these tablets in the supermarket and treat them as mass-market products, the price may drop significantly in the future because more people would be buying them. I'm not yet sure how good of a cleaning product this is, but I will definitely give you an update to let you know. People are on the hunt nowadays for solutions that can help to reduce plastic pollution and I think that this is one solution that most of us can implement into our lives. I'm promoting it today, because I think the message needs to spread and I think that more people need to know about this. If we can all include these cleaning tablets as part of our daily shopping in a year's time, then I think that will have a huge impact on the amount of plastic we chuck out. Definitely go and buy these now, if you have not yet done so already.🙂🙂


Have you tried these eco-friendly cleaning tablets before? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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