Boris Johnson is bending to the media - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Now I'm not one to constantly pose my opinion on governmental matters. I'm more of a person who likes to discuss philosophical and social matters that I think have an impact on the people around us. But with the latest hysteria surrounding the new Omicron variant that seems to be rising exponentially in the UK, I felt as though I had to say something. To me, it feels as though the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is bending towards the media a little bit. I think that after the recent scandal that surfaced the media of Boris and his fellow MPs taking part in a Chrismas party at the height of lockdown last year, Boris is keen to impress. To be honest, I've been impressed by much of what Boris has done for the UK, especially with regards to the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine. Way ahead of schedule, Boris began stockpiling Covid vaccines and earlier this year, they were rolled out to many people. First it was the elderly and the vulnerable. Then it was adults. Then it was young adults. And now it's teenagers like me. Due to Boris's good organisation and good framework, as a country, Britain, is probably in a pretty good place with regards to the vaccine than perhaps other countries are. However, recently I think that because of the scandal, Boris is panicking in terms of his response to Omicron and he is feeding into the frenzy of biased science literacy, that the media is willing to exacerbate. Due to his arguably poor decision making so far with this new wave of Covid-19, Boris is also now stuck in the trap of following through with what he is saying, as some are heading on his potentially immenant resignation. From what I've tried to gather amongst this frenzy, yes Omicron is significantly more infectious than the Delta variant. If you were to track its progression on a graph, it would follow a much steeper slope in terms of infections than the Delta variant. Nevertheless, it is said that Omicron is much less harmful than the Delta variant, hence why Omicron cases are not currently invading hospitals and putting strain on the NHS. Unlike what Boris and his cabinet would have us believe, we do not need to revert back to the restrictions that we had at the start of the pandemic. In response to the outbreak of the Omicron variant, we should wear our masks, keep our distance, test, and wash our hands. But precautions such as vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, in my opinion, pose too great a threat on people’s civil liberties. There are many politicians who believe that tougher, stricter restrictions would save people’s lives. To me, I highly doubt this would happen. Businesses that contribute so much to the British economy such as the hospitality and catering industry, are already in debt after having to furlough their workers in a bid to keep their businesses afloat. To pose further restrictions on these businesses that have been crippled by the pandemic, is to kill a lifeline of funding that supports social sectors such as the NHS. I've also seen for myself that stopping people from seeing each other, damages people’s mental health. Earlier this year, one of my elderly neighbours sadly passed away because she was unable to see her family and she became lonely very quickly. I do acknowledge how much the previous lockdowns have helped in slowing the spread of previous infections, but to impose it again when it could do more harm than good, is not a smart decision. Restrictions should be put in place but unless the NHS is overwhelmed or people are dying from Omicron, it is simply not fair to impose another lockdown. 

Good Morning Britain

What do you think the response to Omicron should be? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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XOX, Juliette

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