David Attenborough's Dynasties says a lot about how we act as humans- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I recently sat down and watched Dynasties by David Attenborough with my mum and my sister. The most recent episode was on lions and what they must do in order to survive and bring up their young. The episode before that was on the harsh life that the emperor penguin must endure. It was definitely hard to watch! The first episode, however, was on chimpanzees. This episode I found the most relatable in how we act as human beings. As humans, we have quarrels and fights and even wars. None of them are obviously nice but they're harsh ways to sort out who is the fittest and strongest. When I watched the very first episode, there were two groups of chimps. One owned a huge patch of land whilst the other was rapidly trying to take over that land. They ended up getting into fights and the leader of the group ended up getting seriously injured. The leader even got separated. However, it was the way he bounced back that struck me. He l...