
Showing posts from August, 2017

Going to see a waterfall + what I ate there!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Today I went to Salazie Réunion to go and see the waterfall that is very well known there. In Réunion,  you will often find a lot of people selling produce on the side of the road. So on the way to Salazie we bought some well known vegetables found in Réunion. After a long journey, we finally got there. We ate at this place called Le p'tit bambou which serves all kinds of Creole style food. It was very good. Then we put our trainers on and started walking up-hill on the side of a road to try and access the footpath to the waterfall. We couldn't find it straight away since it wasn't indicated properly  but after a couple of tries, we made it to the footpath. The surrounding area was covered in water cress. After the semi-tiring walk, we made it to the waterfall and it was beautiful. The cliff-face was covered in water cress plants and the water was cascading down it. There was nowhere to swim though so we had to go back down to the river t...

Going to a Créole party for the first time!

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. On Friday, I went to Créole-style party to celebrate a birthday. Now if you don't know already, in Réunion, there are two main languages that are spoken. One of the languages is French and the other is Créole French so we decided to go to a Créole party. It was a bit spontaneous because me and my sister had only just found out that we were going to be staying over night. However, we had a great accommodation in the mountains. It was this really cool gîte. My mum and my dad had a room and me and my sister also had a room. Both rooms had en suite bathrooms which were really pretty. We didn't have to walk far to get to the venue because our room was directly in front of it. The venue was beautifully decorated with a big dance floor. In Réunion, people always bring really nice shoes to go to parties. Unfortunately, we forgot our shoes which meant that along with our really nice outfits, we had to wear our flip-flops which didn't look the bes...

Going to see humpback whales 🐳 - are we harming their environment?

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. Recently, me and my family went to St Gilles in Réunion to go and visit the humpback whales. I've been there before and we didn't take any travel sickness tablets so we were sick everywhere. Consequently today, we decided to take travel sickness tablets and were fortunately not sick. We had to wake up at six am in order to get to St Gilles on time. Let me tell you, it was a struggle. However, we eventually got there and we boarded the boat. The first whale we saw was a mother and her little baby sleeping on the surface of the water. They were very cute. Then by surprise, the whole sea was covered in whales. We couldn't see any dolphins though because In the past, people have ventured too close to the so they now no longer come. When we came across the next group of humpback whales, they were all showing their tails which was a sight to see. Unfortunately, there were divers and their boat that approached too close to the male humpback wha...

Hello, Réunion island

Hi guys, Welcome back to my blog. This summer me and my family travelled to Réunion island which is located on the east coast of south Africa. Not many people in the UK know about this island since it is very small. However it makes a great holiday spot. Since the island is below the equator, summer in Europe here is winter. Although, it doesn't feel like winter. It usually gets as hot as 30°C, sometimes more, which doesn't always happen in the UK. My cousins who live here actually caught a cold and it was boiling outside! They were talking to us with their husky voices. It was really funny. Here are some pictures of the places I travelled to in Réunion: Hope you've enjoyed this blog post, See you guys next time, Bye


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