Book review- Moxie

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today, I am going to be doing a book review on Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu. I found the book Moxie through Zoella's YouTube channel and it seemed intriguing so when I was at the airport WH Smith's , I got the book. The front cover is actually really cool and gives you a good snippet of what the book is about. So in capital letters, the word Moxie is written on the front cover and there is also a hand facing upwards that is holding a pencil so I knew that the story was probably set in a school. The blurb says that the story is about a girl called Vivian Carter who is essencially fed up of the sexist and rude comments in class. So she gets inspiration from her mother who is a feminist to set up a feminist zine that she places around the school in secret and then eventually, a whole girl revolution has taken place. I like how it takes a very controversial topic (feminism) that takes place in day to day life and puts it into a background of a school which I think is very effective. I personally don't agree with feminism because I think in the end instead of everyone being treated equally, women get treated with more respect then men which i dont think is fair. However there is always another side to the story and there were some very valid points.  I would reccomend this book to teenagers because there is strong language as well as controversial views on things. All in all, a very good book.

Have you read Moxie? Leave a comment down below letting me know.

Hope you enjoyed this blog post,

See you in another one,




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