Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I feel like I've been making blog posts after blog posts after blog posts about lockdown for a long time now and I know I've probably mentioned the word lockdown quite a few times now but yes, the UK is entering another lockdown as of Thursday. I feel like every time I say we're in another lockdown, I just have to take a deep breath beforehand to compose my utter frustration at life right now. Honestly, although I'm getting used to this lockdown situation, I'm also getting kind of annoyed by all these quarantines and lockdowns. I just want to be able to move around freely and not have to constantly worry about my proximity to the people around me. I think it's also particularly annoying because 3 weeks ago, I had to enter a 2 week self isolation period because 2 people in my school had tested positive for Covid-19. I also nearly didn't end up going to school for the final week before half term because I...
Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It's January and I'm beginning to get back into the swing of things. I've started to stretch and practice in the morning. I'm particularly focusing on my tricks because I think that my dance teacher at school would like me to perform some in the street routine we're doing for the show. It's themed on Into the Hoods, which I did research on for my coursework. I published a section of it on my blog, if you would like to read it. Kate Prince, the artistic director of the production, is an interesting character and an inspiring person to read about so I would definitely recommend that you read my post on her because she has an interesting story. I think the show is one thing I'm looking forward to doing this year because since I'm in year 11 now, there's a lot more I'll be involved in and I also get to choreograph my own contemporary routine with some of my classmates so it would be a time to r...
Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, I recently went to Cromer, Norfolk with my family just to chill and relax before big upcoming tests. I had a lot of fun there. The place we were staying had a Jacuzzi, a sauna, a pool and a steam room all for a very good price (I will leave the location of the place on the side) but more about this on my 3 day journeys. Here is what I packed. Enjoy! The first thing that I packed was a long sleeved top with cut outs on the shoulders with the word beauty at the front. This is probably from Primark. To pair with that, I got these blue high-waisted jeans also from Primark. I also got this grey lace up on the sides top. This was from Topshop. I paired this with just some simple grey leggings from Tesco. I also brought two of my favourite books to read. I also brought some deodorant,a hair brush and hair gobbles in my Treacle Moon wash bag! I also bought my swimming costume since the...
Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Saturday, as you may have seen on my Instagram, I went into Cambridge with my sister to go to Creams and to buy something for my mum for Mother's Day. Last year, we didn't do anything special because we don't really care that much about Mother's Day but I did help out my mum doing a few things. This year however, me, my sister, and my dad decided to step it up a bit and we decided to get her a present. Before we did that though, we went into town to go to Creams at Cambridge Leisure Centre. I think it's safe to say that having dessert for lunch is pretty awesome every once in a while. Lol. After an hour and a half drive on the bus, a very stuffy disgusting bus may I add, we finally arrived in town. We decided to walk the fairly long walk to Leisure because we thought it was a good idea to take some fresh air after that bus ride. Especially since my sister forgot her inhaler! There wasn't a lot of p...
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