
Showing posts from May, 2018

Somme and Arras trip photos

I went on a year 9 history trip to the Somme and Arras. I visited loads of WW1 memorials and as a group we discussed wether or not they were the right way to remember them by. I also visited trenches. Some were left as they were and some were made today as they would be 100 years ago. We discussed which one was the best way to preserve the history of the trenches.  I also visited a mine. I forgot to take photos but we visited a quarry and a mine 20 metres underground that was used for a secret attack against the Germans. This was during the battle of Arras. All of these places however were so overwhelming to see but places I would definitely recommend going to. How should we remember the soldiers that died in WW1? See you next time, Bye XOX, Juju Links to sites I'm on: Instagram📷- My book review blog📓-  https://jujupage1sbook...

Why choose dance?

Often I find that people ask me why I choose dance over any other career. If you are a professional dancer then you don't get paid well and it is really difficult to get noticed in the business and that I completely understand. However, ever since I've started dance I've noticed that my confidence has risen and I am more willing to challenge myself. In dance you have to perform in front of people and you have to show off what you can do. I've been doing dance for 7 years and throughout those years I have got my distinction in hip-hop, I've danced at The Royal Albert Hall, I've taken part in shows and so much more. So although I completely empathise when people say that being a dancer is not high paying or it's really difficult to get noticed in the business, I do do dance because it always makes me challenge myself. I personally think that is important with anything that you are looking to take further in the future. Always make sure that you love it and it ...

The power of titles

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, In the past, titles were very important. They depicted what you could and could not do. Simply being born into a poor family meant that you were less important than those who were aristocrats and born into a rich family. This made society incredibly unfair. However, you would think that about 2 centuries later, things would change. Some would even argue,in the 21st century, that life is better. But, I would disagree. People nowadays say that we should be able to love who we want to love if it makes us happy. I completely 100% agree. There is no problem loving the same or opposite gender.  However, what I  despise is when people use their sexuality to their advantage. They think their sexuality immediately makes them a better person. For all I know, you can be a rubbish person but still be gay. It makes no difference. But some people think that their title makes them superior to others. From this, I conclude, that we are not...

What I Did in Cromer- Juliette's 3 day journeys

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post, The long awaited 3 day journey is coming your way guys! I've been an absolute rebel😎 and I completely forgot to do this 3 day journey post for you guys.( Utter idiot!). But hey it's coming your way today! (Yes after about 5 years Juliette) So, around Easter time, me and my family decided to go on a short getaway. My sister was going to be starting her GCSE's next month and she was working very hard so my mum thought it would be a good idea to have a break. Not only just for Alice but for me and the rest of my family since we've all been utter angels😇 and working very hard. My mum found this really good holiday club in Cromer that looked great and was for a really good price. So we decided to go there only for a couple of days. Plus it was Norfolk and we love and often travel to Norfolk. The place did not disappoint. It had exactly what it said it had on the website which was a descent sized swimming pool, a Jacuzzi...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 13 days 22 hrs ago
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