My first diary entry I did for year 10 - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Today I'm publishing one of my best diary entries from dance. BTEC dance requires you to write a diary entry for each lesson as part of your course work and often it can be quite intimidating and stressful to come up with something on the spot. I decided to publish this entry to help you guys who are possibly doing BTEC dance as well. Take inspiration from this and I hope you enejoy! 

20/9/18 Dance diary entry

We began our warm-up by running around the room to increase our heart rate. We made sure that we were using every inch of the studio whilst still being mindful not to bump into other people. Towards the end we were told to run faster then, afterwards we slowed down to a walking pace. We walked around the room in a circle ensuring that we were in time with the music. Then we found a space and began doing 4 skips and 4 jumps then 2 skips and 2 jumps. We repeated these sequences twice through. With our skips, we brought our foot up to knee level, making sure to point our toes each time. With our jumps, we wanted to ensure that we were pointing our toes and jumping high. After we did these sequences, we did 4 runs forward, 4 runs backwards, then 2 runs forward, 2 runs backwards twice in a circle. With these, we had to make sure that we were lifting our knees up high. Afterwards. We did 4 star jumps round in a circle then 2 star jumps round in a circle, making sure that we were stretching our arms and our legs. Then we did around 8 body twists before slowing down to do some stretching. We began stretching by rolling our heads to the right for eight counts then reversing that for 8 counts. Then we did 4 shoulder rolls and on our last roll, we brought our arms up to 5th position. After we did isolations. We put our arms out to the side, moving only our upper body from side to side. Then we did lunges starting with our back-heel down then lowering down to a deeper lunge with our back leg extended and our backs up straight. From there, we moved to a side lunge putting our arms in front of us and keeping our backs straight. We repeated our lunges on the other side. After, we sat down with our legs in front of us. We did 4 scoops forward then 4 scoops back, 2 scoops forwards then 2 scoops back. We repeated that twice through. Afterwards, we lay on our backs and did 8 battements on both legs, keeping our feet off the floor. Then we did 8 pulses and after, we brought our knees up to our chests and extended our legs out. We repeated our battements, pulses, and extensions on both sides and backwards. Then we got into 4 horizontal lines and each line did sideways skips all the way to the other side of the studio trying to jump high and point our toes as we did so. Finally, we finished on working on our jazz preps for turns as well as our jazz turns. We had to keep low as we turned.

Was this helpful? Let me know in the comments below, I love hearing from you!

Hope to see you back here later,



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