Revision tips for GCSEs and mocks- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I thought it would be useful to publish a post of me giving you a few revision tips just because I know it's GCSE season for all of you in the UK and mocks are coming up for year 10s so hopefully this is helpful. I got my RE GCSE exam coming up in two weeks time and I've got my mock exams after that so these are just a few of my revision tips that I've picked up over time. Hope you enjoy!💜☺ The website I've been using to help me with revision is Seneca. Some schools have already signed up to this so all you need to do is sign in with your school e-mail and then you can get onto learning the courses that you're currently doing in class. What I like to do is to get a notepad and write some notes on some key bits of information that you need to remember. The one down side to Seneca is that there is a lot of written information so you just need to pick out the things that are helpful to you. Seneca is a...