
Showing posts from April, 2019

Revision tips for GCSEs and mocks- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I thought it would be useful to publish a post of me giving you a few revision tips just because I know it's GCSE season for all of you in the UK and mocks are coming up for year 10s so hopefully this is helpful. I got my RE GCSE exam coming up in two weeks time and I've got my mock exams after that so these are just a few of my revision tips that I've picked up over time. Hope you enjoy!💜☺ The website I've been using to help me with revision is Seneca. Some schools have already signed up to this so all you need to do is sign in with your school e-mail and then you can get onto learning the courses that you're currently doing in class.  What I like to do is to get a notepad and write some notes on some key bits of information that you need to remember. The one down side to Seneca is that there is a lot of written information so you just need to pick out the things that are helpful to you. Seneca is a...

How to stay motivated - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I'm going to be giving you tips on how to stay motivated as a dancer. I'm going through not an extremely stressful time but a stressful time in the sense that I've got a dance show next Friday and I've not been in for 3 days of the commercial routine so I've missed a minute of the routine and I've only got one clean up rehearsal tomorrow at 9:30am so I have no idea how I'm going to do. This is why it's important to stay motivated so that we do not lose our focus so I decided to make this post today. Enjoy!💜❤ The first tip I have to stay motivated is to do it for yourself. You at the end of the day, have to be your biggest motivation. You cannot be trying to impress your teacher or your peers and you cannot do it because you'll get an award or something at the end of class. At the end of the day, when you step into the studio, you're trying to be the best version of yourself so i...

Norfolk Broads - My Epic Boat Trip

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, For the last part of my Easter holidays, my family decided to book a boat on the Norfolk Broads. A few years back, we went on this trip for the second time but we booked our boat from a different location. My mum reckons I wasn't even in secondary school because we listened to an audio book by David Walliams whilst watching the stars on our boat that was anchored to the river bed in the middle of a massive broad. After a 2 hour drive from Cambridge to Norfolk, with one stop to Tescos for lunch and biscuits, we arrived at the boat company at 2:20pm. Me and my sister Alice went to look for our boat, Evesham Light, whilst my parents got all the paper's signed and checked. Before we knew it, we were on the boat, on our way to the broad that we spent the night on our previous trip. It took a while for my dad to get used to driving the boat again. It was our third time on the Broads but it was still a few years of ...

What I'm hoping to talk about in my English speaking exam- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, After Easter, my English teacher told the class that we will be doing a speaking exam on whatever topic we wish to talk about. I don't know the exact details of the exam but I do know that we have to talk about a certain subject for 4 minutes. I will probably find out more about it when I return to school next Tuesday. Although, I already have an idea of what I'm going to talk about. I thought it would be interesting to talk about my heritage since I've got an interesting racial background. My sister talked about this for her speaking exam in year 10 and she did very well in it so I thought it would be a good idea to talk about it also. I will hopefully be able to talk about where my mum comes from. She was born in a French colony called Réunion near Madagascar. I can also talk about my dad's heritage because he's half English and half Japanese. I'll find out more about what the exam entails later but I th...

March favourites 2019- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, March has been an amazing month so I'd thought that I would document what I've enjoyed throughout the month in a March favourites post. Enjoy! The first thing I enjoyed for the month of March was my school dance trip to Manchester. I really enjoyed the city and I really liked working with the students from the school there since they were all nice and really good dancers. They won 4th place at a dance competition! I also really enjoyed series 1 of The Race Across The World, which came out in late March on BBC Two. It's about these teams of pairs of ordinary people from London, who try and make it to a random destination in Singapore without using a plane and surviving on a tight budget. It was really fascinating to see how everyone grew from these naive foreigners to these people who were communicating with the locals in broken Chinese. The father and son, Darren and Alex, tried to fix their broken relationship by ...

Dance Q&A- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I thought it would be interesting to do a dance Q&A so that it would hopefully help some of you guys as well as hopefully finding some interesting things about me. I got these questions from the Rambert website which I will link below. Who was your most influential dance teacher and why? My most influential dance teacher is actually my current dance teacher at school because unlike all the past dance teachers I've had at school, she's actually gone out there and done things. She's been to the West End and she's done countless productions with other companies. Due to this, she is able to give us a higher quality of education because she is able to teach us what the dance industry is really like. Ever considered another career? Yes. In the past, I really wanted to become an author and I really liked to write and I still do. Although dance is a career choice that I mainly want to do, I still want to ...

The full Berlin adventure! 🇩🇪 - Touring Berlin - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As I'm sure all of you may know, I recently went to Berlin. As I'm writing this post in fact, I've literally just got back from the trip. I was going to write this post later but I've been posting a lot of photos from the trip on my Instagram so I thought that it wouldn't be good to leave it too long. There were some ups and downs but I'll give you an overview of the whole trip.  The  first part of the trip was really good and everything went to plan. I slept surprisingly well due to the 20 hour bus drive, which I now think was actually a 16 hour bus drive but you get the gist. It was still really long. I did feel a little bit sick towards the end but we were already in Berlin so that was fine and as soon as I stepped outside the bus, I felt a lot better.  However, right at the end of the trip DISASTER STRUCK. DUN DUN DUUUUN! No, it wasn't terrible but it also could have gone a lot better. After co...

I'm going to Berlin tomorrow (thoughts, queries, worries, and things i'm excited about) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I mentioned this briefly before but tomorrow, I'll be going on a history trip with my school to Berlin, Germany. I am SUPER excited but also a little anxious on how I'm going to cope with the drive there. Since my school does not like taking planes for residential trips, I will be taking, I think a 20 hour bus drive to Berlin. I'm a deep sleeper so I hope I'll just be sleeping on the journey there the majority of the time but I know that sitting up-right for 20 hours is not fun. I mean I've never experienced it before but I've been on an 11 hour aeroplane journey to Réunion and I was aching throughout the entire thing. So I guess all I can say is, wish me luck? However, once we get there, I think we'll be visiting Brandenburg Gate,an early 1930s work camp, and Hitler's Bunker on the last day, which I'm super excited to visit because I'm a history geek like that. Lol. What is really annoying...

Mother's Day!! :) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Saturday, as you may have seen on my Instagram, I went into Cambridge with my sister to go to Creams and to buy something for my mum for Mother's Day. Last year, we didn't do anything special because we don't really care that much about Mother's Day but I did help out my mum doing a few things. This year however, me, my sister, and my dad decided to step it up a bit and we decided to get her a present. Before we did that though, we went into town to go to Creams at Cambridge Leisure Centre. I think it's safe to say that having dessert for lunch is pretty awesome every once in a while. Lol. After an hour and a half drive on the bus, a very stuffy disgusting bus may I add, we finally arrived in town. We decided to walk the fairly long walk to Leisure because we thought it was a good idea to take some fresh air after that bus ride. Especially since my sister forgot her inhaler!  There wasn't a lot of p...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 13 days 23 hrs ago
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