
Showing posts from October, 2019

Slowly but surely I'll get there - 1 Year To Get To College - (Post 5) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Everyone has a moment when the stress level begins to build and it becomes more difficult to keep on going. Recently, I've been putting in a lot of hours of revision over the half term, in order to be ready in time for my mocks in two weeks. I know I have the knowledge, I just need to better my mindset because I've done so well previously, I want to be able to do well again, if not better. However, I feel as though I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well because I've been working hard in and out of school and I want my hard work to be rewarded. However, I cannot let the pressure get to me because otherwise, I'm also not going to have a good performance. If I put myself under too much pressure, then that may affect my revision, which I definitely won't let happen. I also need to relax because I can't walk into an exam with an exhausted brain. I just need to be confident in the abilities that I have bec...

The injured deer survived a year! - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Around a year and a bit ago, we saw a deer coming into our garden. Living in the Fens and having our garden next to a field, often means that we get a lot of deeds coming into our garden. We even had a rabbit come and eat our vegetables, which my parents obviously weren't too happy about. We suspected it was a pet or something as we get a lot of hares in the field but not rabbits and none of them really come into our garden anyways. However, when we saw the deer that day, unlike any other deer this one was injured. It was injured quite severely on the leg as it was bleeding and it also had lost part of it. It looked really bad so initially, I thought it would be a good idea to perhaps ring a firm, to see if there would be a possibility that they would be able to do something. However, after closer consideration, we decided to just leave it. These muntjac deers must injure themselves all the time because they're wild anima...

Karim and Amy's fierce salsa and Saffron and AJ's technical foxtrot - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I got you guys to vote for the celebrity dancer you would like to be talked about next on this post. You guys had the choice between Saffron and Catherine and Karin and Will. You chose Saffron and Karim, which I'll be talking about today. However, I will be talking about the others next time, since they had great dances as well. Last week, Karim and Amy performed an amazing salsa. I have absolutely no idea how Karim managed to dance a salsa to Who Let The Dogs Out, so well. He really looks like a professional dancer, no matter what dance he does. I really like the hip-hop feel that was added to this dance. I can tell that Karim has danced some form of street dance before. There was also a lot of salsa basic movements and more complex salsa movements. He also had exactly figure eight hip movements. I do however, agree with Craig, as I feel like he does attack each routine a little bit too hard sometimes and he loses some of ...

Was Extinction Rebellion going too far? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, there was a massive scandal to do with Extinction Rebellion where the group of protesters stood on the roof of a train at the tube station, to prevent the vehicle from moving. This was done, as a way to not only raise awareness of how much we rely on fossil fuels and how much it affects our lives when it is taken away, but also as a way to publicise the group and what they do, so that they can get more recognition for the causes they do for the environment. This however, has caused outrage amongst the people who were supposed to get the tube that day. Many of the people there were considered to be working class citizens and many had to go to work, in order to get food for their children. One young girl even missed her ballet exam because of all the delay. The people were so annoyed that they began dragging the man off of the roof of the train and they began yelling at the protestors saying that they were just trying t...

Riverdale movie series review - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Since getting Netflix for Christmas, I've been watching a few movies but for the most part, I haven't really known what is good to watch. I've been hearing mixed reviews about Riverdale, which is a murder mystery series and to be honest, it wasn't the most eyecatching series out of all the others on the list but I decided to give it a try. I'm a bit late to watching it but I never really watch things as soon as they come out. The first few episodes weren't very exciting because we were just getting to know the characters. The story is also a bit cliché because it's about a small town that is supposed to be perfect and obviously isn't because a guy called Jason, dies, supposedly through drowning, but they later find out that he was murdered. The story is very similar to Pretty Little Liars, where the town of Riverdale is like the town of Rosewood but there is no doubt that there are things that make...

Michelle and Giovanni's excellent salsa and Chris and Karen's fun jive - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I'm going to be talking about some of my two favourite dancers, Michelle and Chris. I really like Michelle as a dancer because, despite her age, she's a really technical dancer. Every dance that she's done so far, she's given it 110% personality and 110% technique in the ballroom and Latin styles. Chris, is also a very good dancer because he's got great musicality and he also gives each dance 110% personality and I love watching his routines because of this. Last Saturday, Michelle and Giovanni performed an excellent fast-paced salsa. I was initially quite worried about this routine because of how fast it was and how much hip action would have to be added in. However, she really gave it a good effort and her foot work was excellent. She did lose a bit of the figure 8 hip action because it was difficult to include that in such a quick routine but she still maintained good rhythm and good musicality. Sh...

A small diary from today - (300th blog post) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Pixabay Today, was an interesting day in my life. I woke up at around 6:50am, as I like to give myself time to fully wake up properly, and I went on my phone for about ten minutes. I then got up and brought my uniform with me to iron later on and I went into the kitchen to have my breakfast. I had yogurt and fruit and since there wasn't any honey left, I just sprinkled a bit of sugar on top of that. It probably wasn't the most healthiest thing to eat but it was nice! I then got out the ironing board and ironed my clothes. It's so much more complicated now that my school changed the uniform about a year ago. We used to wear polo tops and trousers with a sweatshirt but now we wear a blazer, shirt, tie, and trousers which just makes the whole ironing process a bit of a pain but oh well.  After that I went a made my lunch which wasn't the best thing in the world, as I was rushing around a bit. I made a bagel...

Being genuine is a gift - 1 Year To Get To College - (Post 4) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, A few days ago, was National Mental Health Awareness Day and many people posted on their Instagram, really positive and uplifting things about their own journeys. I read the post that Katie Piper posted on her Instagram, under the image of her recovery process, after her horrific acid attack and how she got herself out of some dark places afterwards. I truly felt for her and all the many other people going through similar health issues after horrific events. However, whilst many people get mental health issues after horrific events, others get it through just the stress of everyday life. Whilst the west is an extremely rich and successful sector of the globe, it can also be one of the most imprisoning. It wasn't until I went to Portugal, that I realised how stressful our part of the world is. I went to a really cut off part of the country, near the city of Porto, and the difference between the city folk and the country folk w...

Saffron and AJ's amazing Paso doble and Catherine and Johannes's beautiful Rumba - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I think that with this week, I saw a lot of improvement amongst the dancers and they really tried to take on board some of the corrections, that the judge's gave to them last time. One of the biggest improvements that I saw this week, was Saffron Barker. Her Paso doble wasn't perfect but she really tried to drive through the technical corrections she was given last time and she never lost the intensity of the piece. I think that the Hunger Games theme and the song really suited this style. She tried to include some more staccato movements, as the Paso doble includes that but I think she needs to improve upon her core strength, as she had quite a few wobbly moments. When she did the big strides forward, she sometimes was a bit shaky. She also needs to improve on her flexibility as she didn't extend as far as she could on her grand battement. However, when she leaned back in AJ's arms and he spun her around, she w...

Maybe we have not even touched upon trying to find a solution - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, You may or may not agree with what I'm about to write about but that's honestly okay. I just feel the need to talk about what I'm about to now because I feel as though we're buying into something that is really not beneficial to us as a whole. Formulate you're own opinions because you have the right to do so but I felt that it was important to talk about one of the biggest topics that has been on the news recently.  I really want to help the environment in the future and I hope that I will come up with something that might help with that. It makes me upset seeing all the destruction of our natural world, even right on our doorstep. I was driving to dance today and one of the main roads leading into Cambridge was being built on, in order to install a new road because of all the traffic that comes in from the big ports in Felixstowe. However, in order to do so, the builders have had to cut down masses of trees...

Tall Girl movie review - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I just wanted to talk about a movie that really inspired me the other day. I decided to watch a bit of Netflix one day, because I was tired and I felt as though I deserved it because I had done quite a lot of revision that day. I was scrolling through some films and came across this movie called Tall Girl. I was intrigued by it because it actually had one of my favourite dancers from Dance Moms, Ava Cota. I remember her basically getting bullied by the people around her because she was a tall person, I believe 6ft 1. She was also told by some people online that her mum wasn't feeding her as she was quite a petite girl. So, when I came across this movie, I had kind of an idea about what it was about but I wasn't entirely sure until I watched it. It has some elements of comedy in it but the rest was actually quite profound. Ava, plays a girl called Jody, in the film and she's always been picked on by the people a...

Amy and Karim's amazing foxtrot and Emma and Anton's beautiful foxtrot - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I think, that whilst it was the week where somebody was going to be sent home, every dancer on Saturday had some sort of breakthrough. I felt as though people grew in confidence from week 1, even though they made some mistakes in their routines. One of these breakthroughs was Karim and Amy's amazing foxtrot. I was initially quite nervous about this routine, because Karim had impressed us all with his Latin skills in the cha-cha. However, I wasn't sure how he was going to do in a more elegant ballroom style but he surprised us all I'm sure. He had phenomenal posture and you could tell because he was supporting his partner, Amy, really well. His hand placement as well underneath her arm, stayed put throughout the whole routine, when they were in hold which I thought was excellent attention to detail. However, what I enjoyed the most was his jazz flair that he added to the piece. It made it seem like I was watching a H...

How to keep going under pressure - 1 Year To Get To College - (Post 3) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It's totally understandable why, even only 4 weeks into the term, that you as year e levens feel stressed. It's only your first term and you're still getting to grips with the workload. For me, it's certainly a relatable situation. I'm doing well with revision and I feel like its good that I'm doing little quizzes here and there but I've also just received a massive amount of coursework for dance, that I also have to complete. We have two workbooks, one on A Chorus Line and one on Rosas. I've tried my best to get through as much as possible with the workbook on A Chorus Line but there are also things that I'm conscious I have to do, in order to get good results in my other subjects. Like the people in my class, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to complete it before half term, just because of the other work that we have to do on other subjects. However, I was determined to do so, ...


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