Maybe we have not even touched upon trying to find a solution - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

You may or may not agree with what I'm about to write about but that's honestly okay. I just feel the need to talk about what I'm about to now because I feel as though we're buying into something that is really not beneficial to us as a whole. Formulate you're own opinions because you have the right to do so but I felt that it was important to talk about one of the biggest topics that has been on the news recently. 

I really want to help the environment in the future and I hope that I will come up with something that might help with that. It makes me upset seeing all the destruction of our natural world, even right on our doorstep. I was driving to dance today and one of the main roads leading into Cambridge was being built on, in order to install a new road because of all the traffic that comes in from the big ports in Felixstowe. However, in order to do so, the builders have had to cut down masses of trees to make way for this new road. This has destroyed the natural scenery and the habitat for many animals that live there. There is a Holiday Inn near this road and the rabbits used to hide and live peacefully in the nearby trees. However now they have lost their home and have moved onto a plain of grass next to the cars.

We keep talking about trying to find a solution in this "10 Year Plan," however, I just feel like we're holding ourselves back even more by just ignoring the masses of innovative people who are coming up with solutions and are currently being ignored by the media. I get the desperation to do more but I don't get why we're not thinking about new inventions that can help solve our climate crisis. It's like we've seen what could happen to the world in the future,  and we're giving up on the science because it's too difficult.

I know that Greta Thunberg has become an icon in the activism for change and we should be encouraging young, impressionable minds to think about how they really feel about this and encourage them to make a change. However, because I am young for example, it doesn't mean that you have to agree with me and it certainly doesn't mean that you cannot challenge me. I feel like because Greta is of course only 16 years old and has had mental health issues in the past, she's not getting challenged by the adults because they don't want to be seen supposedly attacking a vulnerable child. I've never had mental health issues in the past but I cannot help asking myself, " is it right to not challenge someone's view because they're a child or they're vulnerable?" However, we believe what she says, even though she's not a scientist or an economist. I get that ordinary people should, in a democratic system, have the ability and right to make drastic changes to the way things are run but do we trust someone who has yet to find out what the outside world is really like? Maybe, but it could lead to us having problems with our political system if we're just believing that everything we see is true. That can be just as detrimental as the climate crisis itself. I'm a year younger than Greta and I don't necessarily agree with everything that she says. 

I stumbled across a post on Instagram that really made me think about this whole exciting yet nerve-racking scene of events and I thought I'd share it with you:

"Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swedish environmental activist who shares her anger, frustration and anxiety about the climate with the world. She is neither a scientist nor an economist. She offers no practical solutions to the economic devastation her ideas would cause. Admirable passion. Wrong thesis. Media star.

Google search: 176 million results"

"Boyan Slat is a 23-year-old inventor who designed the world's first ocean plastic clean up system at age 16. He now leads a group developing advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic. His solution involves no economic destruction. Admirable passion. Right thesis. Media: not interested.

Google search: 270,000 results"

The research about these two people has already been made. Look at the countless articles made about this topic on Google. Politicians say that we should listen more to the young people yet the only young person anyone is actually paying attention to is Greta. She has the up most capacity to destroy an economy that has been working for years and that people have worked hard to achieve. Good for her that she has had her message broadcasted on a global scale and I too want to help the environment but the question is, are we going about it the right way? We cannot, in my opinion, simply say that because a person like Greta is vegan or has views that sound correct, to be immediately true because if that were the case, we should just believe anything and everything any politician  says. We do not understand that by doing what we're currently doing, we're ignoring great young inventors like Boyan Slat. Maybe there is a solution out there but we're not even trying to find it because it seems too difficult. However, it could be a lot more beneficial for us as a whole, in the long-term future.

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Can adults challenge a teenager's opinion? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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