Rio Ferdinand on dealing with bereavement - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

There's a lot of stories that I've encountered in the past that have been sad and truly heartbreaking but I don't think that I've ever come across a story that was quite so raw and realistic as this one. A few years ago Rio Ferdinand, the famous footballer, lost his wife to cancer. It was a big change for everyone but especially for his three children, who had now lost one of the most important and caring figures in their family. Unfortunately, to make matters worse, recently after the mother's death, the grandmother also got cancer and died shortly after that. When things like this happen in a family, there's a massive fracture as loss so close to people, can bring a lot of sadness. However, despite being so well known, Rio made two documentaries about his grieving process and also about his new relationship that he formed shortly after these events happened. I watched the second documentary and it was really interesting. Kate, his new partner, was getting to grips with understanding her stepchildren and building a healthy relationship them, before her wedding with Rio. It took a while but with her persistence and will to be accepted into all parts of Rio's family, she became an amazing stepmother. Some children who are usually confident and happy, can become shy and assertive of their surroundings when they deal with bereavement because there's a massive gap in the family and the way they live life changes. Kate managed to persuade her stepchildren to take up counselling, so that they could open up about what they felt, as they'd been so used to keeping all there thoughts in their heads. They were initially a bit cautious about it but after one session, and meeting other kids in a similar situation to them, they wanted to go back. The couple also redecorated the house and made a room dedicated to their mother and it was amazing because it was a safe place for the children to go to when they were feeling sad. It was difficult to piece back together all the broken parts, and Kate definitely did feel the strain to be accepted and seen as the children's mother but the results turned out brilliantly. It shows that success can be achieved, even in the darkest of circumstances. If you have not yet watched the documentary, I would recommend that you do because the outcome, no matter how difficult it was to achieve, was really inspirational. 1 in 3 families in the UK are blended families which means many people have to deal with similar situations to this seen in the documentary. Whether you're one of these people or not, it's always good to become aware that this is a struggle that many people, including celebrities, deal with regularly but also to realise that happiness can flower from these circumstances and that we must not lose hope.


This Morning

Have you heard about Rio Ferdinand's story? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette 

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