Thought of the day: Which is more dangerous, the power or the person? - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I really enjoy watching TV every morning when I'm on holiday or on a break. It's half term and I've been bingeing through the series of Merlin again. I've watched it hundreds of times and only recently have I realised that it portrays a very important message. It's not the power that a person has which is necessarily dangerous, but how that person chooses to use that power, is. In the series, Merlin is forced to conceal his magic as it's banned in the kingdom of Camelot by Uther Pendragon. Although Merlin chooses to use magic for good by helping Arthur Pendragon to become king and achieve his destiny, Uther believes that all those who possess these powers are dangerous as his wife died because of magic. Although the myth of Arthur and Merlin is nothing but a fairytale, the moral of the story is still very prevalent to this day. If power was such a bad thing, people wouldn't be using it to help those who are in need and don't have it. Some of the richest people in the world wouldn't be donating to charities in times of crisis and people with a renowned reputation wouldn't be voicing the needs of those who don't have a voice. This is what many get wrong. Power remains a constant, the people are subjective. There have only been tyrants and evil dictators in the world because they themselves have chosen to use their power for the wrong reasons. We only meet selfish and arrogant people because they believe that power is somewhat of a personal gain. Whilst this doesn't necessarily apply to a fairytale, the contrast between the good and evil witches and wizards in Merlin, is very much a reflection of ourselves. I think that many are disgusted by people with a lot of power because we associate it with bad things all the time like the government isn't doing enough or rich people only care about themselves. Some of that may be true but the misconception that power makes people evil is a habitual thought that we need to break because I believe that power can be used to make a positive change in the world.

Which is more dangerous, power or the person? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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