The difference between the conscious and the subconscious - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Recently, my mum told me to take a look a Mel Robbins's work because she talks a lot about human psychology. If you don't know her story, Mel Robbins was a well-known TV show host on American channels like CNN and has now become a motivational influencer on the internet. She faced a lot of financial difficulty trying to pursue her career in the TV and entertainment industry and this caused her marriage to become unstable and eventually she became severely depressed. This was to the point when she even struggled to get out of bed in the morning. After releasing her book, the 5 Second Rule which motivated her to get up out of bed every morning, Mel Robbins now inspires other people with mental health issues.

Whilst finding out more about Mel Robbins, I came across a video that she made about the conscious and subsconscious part of the brain during therapy. I found this video really interesting because for me, it explains everything. The subsconscious part of your brain is the part that tends to take over a lot of the things that you do, without you even noticing. For example, you could be driving back home from work, taking the same route home that you do everyday and without you realising it, you're already home because your subconscious has taken over the whole journey. This could be the same when you walk back home from school, taking the same route that you take everyday and before you know it, you're already at home. This is because your subsconscious takes over and you're basically in a state of auto-pilot. The difference between the subconscious part of your brain and the conscious part of your brain is the fact that your conscious side sees reason and is aware of your surroundings and your subscious doesn't. This is where therapy doesn't work for some people because most people during a therapy session have the conscious part of their brain switched on. This means that whilst they may be motivated to change at that point in time, once they step out back into the real world again, their subsconscious takes over and they begin to revert back to their old mindset. The better way to overcome your mindset is not necessarily to motivate yourself but to teach your conscious brain to be more in control. At the end of the day, we are in control of what we do and it's only until we truly realise this that our actions and mindset will change. I think that I've now understood why therapy doesn't work for some people because in order for it to be effective, the conscious part of your brain has to be more in control. 

I decided to make this post not only because I thought it would be an interesting topic to talk about but also I realise how isolating it can be having a mental illness, at this moment in time. I think Mel Robbins has been really open with the struggles she's been having during quarantine. We've all just got to be patient with our minds and realise that change takes time. If you would like more advice, then I would suggest checking out Mel Robbins's work because I think that it will help a lot of people during this time.

Mel Robbins

What everyday thing do you do subconsciously? I catch myself pouring a cup of tea every morning because I do it so often and now it's just become routine! 😂 Let me know your suggestions in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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