Making the most of the sunny weather - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, This week was probably the hottest week it's been so far this year. We've been blessed with really nice weather for the most part of lockdown, which meant that me and my family could go on nice walks frequently and make the most of all the extra free time we had. However, on Wednesday and Thursday especially, the temperatures reached around 30°C, which could only mean that we had to bring the pool out again. By pool, I mean the classic British paddling pool that is probably just under a metre high but is great if you want to cool down in the summer. The weather was definitely abnormal and probably due to climate change but in this sweltering heat, we were thankful for the cold water that took me and my sister a while to get into but was really refreshing afterwards. For once, the weather forecast was right. It seems to be right mostly when the weather's nice and not when it's bad and you actually want to know if yo...