I have actually been working out - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I would definitely consider myself to be more of a flexibility and bendy type person. I try to stretch everyday to keep up my flexibility, especially as a dancer and I do like doing the odd bit of acrobatics from time to time. However, in terms of strength and stamina, I definitely lack in skills.

My sister said to me that I should be working out more, to further develop my skills as a dancer so we've been doing regular workouts together, every other day. All I can really say is, what a struggle!😂 We begin by doing cardio exercises to a whole entire piece of music. Easy, I said, until we actually got started. Let's just say that next time, I'm not choosing a super long song from The Greatest Showman! 😂 We then stretch out to not pull any muscles and we begin the workout. Again, I said it was easy, until I actually got started.

I would like to paint this rosy image to you that I've been working out for so long that it's really just second nature for me. I would like to say that I whip out my cool, pastel-coloured yoga mat, with my trendy water bottle with a motivational quote on it, and I get on with the exercises without breaking that much of a sweat because I'm just that experienced. That's the image I would like you to see, until you realise the grave reality of the situation. I.E. You see me struggle to unroll an old camping mat instead of a proper yoga mat and you see me heavily drinking from a crusty water bottle that I've taken to school since year 7.

This is what I actually use! 

Literally 1 minute into the song when we're doing cardio and all you can hear is me saying, "Alice, I'm not even joking, I have the biggest STITCH ever!"😂 Literally 1 minute into the leg workout and all you can hear is me saying, "Alice, I genuinely can't go on, I'm going to faint!" Then you hear a solemn shout from my sister saying "Juliette, we don't EVER use the word CAN'T!" Then all you can hear is me saying, "but Alice, I genuinely CAN'T go on!"😂No wonder I didn't even feel the exercise that much yesterday after our workout because I probably wasn't even trying that hard! It was like one of those pathetic scenes in the movies where the dying warrior's just like,"go on without me. I'm just holding you back." 

It's actually a wonder how I've literally danced for 5 hours before and managed to survive, yet I do one exercise and literally start saying "Oh my God, I'm dying!" Honestly, you would think what a disgrace when I give up on doing proper exercises in cardio, and just start doing a million pencil jumps round in a circle. You'd think it's a disgrace when I do a plank to strengthen my abs and all I can really feel is my arms shaking uncontrollably. 😂

I wouldn't say that I'm the worst when it comes to exercising. In terms of general fitness and short exercises, I seem to be able to last that. However, I think it's safe to say that I'm not exactly a hench rugby player either. I don't exactly have toned muscles and survive on a high carb diet and I think I'll stay away from my dad's heavy weights. 😂

However, I know that the more I practice at this, the better I'll get. I'm happy that I've managed to survive 2 weeks of these strenuous workouts. Let's see how much longer I can actually last! 😂

Do you workout regularly? Do you like working out? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

Tap one of the reaction boxes below to let me know what you thought of this post. It would really help me to make some improvements in the future! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. Congratulations on your dedication to working out. It is a great habit

    1. Thanks! It's been difficult to say the least but I'm definitely seeing the benefits already. 💜


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