
Showing posts from July, 2020

Some good news for Parsnip! - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I thought that since I brought you on this ridiculously dramatic Parsnip journey that it would only be fair to give you a positive update of how things are going. Good news, Parsnip is back to laying again! She is back to being the bossy-boots that we all know and love and that makes us all incredibly happy.☺ It was getting to the point where it was all a bit depressing. 😂 First, she hurt her right foot with the blue tag on it. We'd noticed some swelling at the top of her foot and we saw that she was quite visibly limping around so we kind of concluded that she must have jumped off the gate like she always does, and bashed her foot on the way down. We gave her some salt and vinegar hot baths and disinfected her foot with some rubbing alcohol. We'd also isolated her from the other chickens so that she wouldn't get pushed around whilst she was recovering. She was still laying then and after a few days we could see that ...

My holiday in the Isle of Wight - Highlights - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  *Firstly, sorry for my slight absence on social media. The Wi-Fi in our cottage was not working for a while so I couldn't post anymore photos or upload blog posts like I'd hoped to during the week. I hope you've managed to catch up on what I got up to on holiday recently. It's nice to take a social media break anyway. However, if you've read my previous post, you'll know that on Friday I went on holiday to the Isle of Wight. As we couldn't really go to Réunion like we'd planned for this year, me and my family thought it would be a good idea to take a little holiday out and a nice week here seemed like the best plan. My dad has a friend who lives in the Isle of Wight and he had connections with people who owned holiday homes there and since this was the cheapest place out of all the destinations we looked at, we didn't hesitate on going. It was a little bit of a rocky 4 hour drive there because I...

Watching 12 Years A Slave + my thoughts on it - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I've never seen 12 Years A Slave before but after stumbling across it on one of the channels, me, my mum, and my sister decided to watch it. My mum had watched it before and said it was quite violent and difficult to watch but since it had so much to do with what happened in recent events, we decided to try it out. If you would truly like to educate yourself on black history, I would suggest paying close attention to this film and not necessarily some of the most recent documentaries because 12 Years A Slave, whilst it was created quite recently, was very authentic to the time it was set in and you actually got a better feel of why people are so angry and annoyed at the violent black racism that still exists today. The film is based on a true story about a free African-American man called Solomon Northup, who accepts work by Brown and Hamilton, after being promised a fortnightly job by them. It begins with Solomon having a dri...

Answering frequently asked questions or things you've always wanted to know - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today, I'm going to be doing a general Q & A for frequently asked questions or things that I think you've always wanted to know about me, my life, and my views on things. I've been writing blog posts for about 4 years now and throughout my time in doing this, I've been asked a lot of general questions about myself. Just in recent years of my life, I've also been asked very similar questions so today, I'm going to answer them for you so that you can find out more about me. Enjoy!💜 What are some of the challenges that I personally think the next generation will face? I feel like this question has been asked a lot recently because of the current Covid-19 situation. It's not got much to do with me but I thought it would be an interesting question to answer so that you can see my take on it. I believe that we will probably have to continue paying for the financial damage that was caused by the outbreak ...

Why are dance shoes so expensive? - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  If you're a dancer, you'll understand how pricey dance shoes can get. In any style of dance really: ballet, jazz, tap, and street, the shoes you'll need are expensive. My black dance trainers that I use for street, cost around £30 and my  black dance shoes that I use for ballroom and Latin cost around £50. The previous pair of ballroom shoes that I wore when I started classes were sparkly, silver Freed's and although they were definitely really pretty, they were also really expensive and cost around £40-£50 so there is no doubt that dance shoes can make you spill your money a bit.  However, there is often a reason for this and hopefully you'll find the right pairs of shoes for you, that will fit your price range as best as possible. The other day, I was watching a video made by Freed of London, on how they make their dance shoes. All I can say is, the whole procedure is incredibly extensive.  Unlike other dance...

How I celebrated my 16th birthday - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  On Saturday, me and my family celebrated my 16th birthday. Before lockdown had happened, we were hoping to celebrate my birthday in Réunion, a French colony near Madagascar, where my mum comes from. That would have been really nice because I would have celebrated my birthday for the first time with my grandad, cousins, and my auntie and uncle. I would have also been able to go a little bit earlier and stay a little longer on holiday because I would have had my year 11 big summer break. However, that sadly couldn't happen this year due to the circumstances.  Although most of the shops were open on the 4th of July in the UK, I still celebrated my birthday in lockdown but it was still really nice and I had a really good day.💜 In the morning, at around 9:00am, I began opening my presents. Here's some examples of what I got: a pineapple t-shirt, some new shorts, some socks, chocolates and biscuits (staple pieces😂), more book...

My fitness routine and tips - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Firstly, I would just like to say thank you for all the amazing birthday wishes that I received on Saturday. It really means a lot and I'll definitely try to follow up on how I celebrated my birthday, on Wednesday's post!💜 Now, I recently wrote a post about my workouts that I try and do regularly with my sister and many of you seemed to enjoy it so today, I thought it would be nice to talk you through what we do and to hopefully give you some advice too, should you wish to try some of these exercises. As you could probably tell from my past post, I am not really a fitness person at all and I do struggle with the exercises sometimes.😂 However, I hope this gives you a bit of motivation to have a go at them yourself, as no one has to be an expert to begin exercising more. Exercising is good for you and especially in this current climate, it can only really bump up your health, which I think is a positive. The first thing th...

All about: Dytto - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Firstly, today is my birthday! I can't believe that I'm 16 already. I still look 14 but I'm excited to live out this year as a 16 year old. Lets hope it's not as strenuous as when I was 15! Anyway, for today's All about:_____ post, I'll be talking about probably the most original, unique, and creative dancer that I've ever seen and that is Dytto! Born on April 27th, 1998, Courtney Nicole Kelly (otherwise known as Dytto), is a female animation dancer, model, and TV show host who is best known for her popping, locking, robotic, tutting, and street commercial styles that she often showcases on her "Dytto" YouTube channel as well as other famous choreographer's channels like, Matt Steffanina. The reason why she has now amassed over 3.5 million subscribers on her channel is because of the unique style of dance that she performs. When you first see her on stage, you'd think that she was just ...

What should we learn about in history? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  The question of what we all should be learning about in history has been a popular question for a long time. If I were to go into one of my history lessons now, even my history teachers would be saying, "I wish you could learn more about this" or "It's a shame that we can't cover this topic," etc, etc. However, never before has the question been more asked than most recently, as with the whole Black Lives Matter movement, people are beginning to really question whether or not what we are learning about in history has a good representation of what most of the different sides of the larger story are. As I've seen on Instagram, there's been a lot of videos going around about all the influential black people that have been forgotten about in history. Today, I'm going to give my personal take on this, in the hopes that it will provide you with a better understanding.  Before I go on further, I th...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 5 hrs ago
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