Some good news for Parsnip! - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I thought that since I brought you on this ridiculously dramatic Parsnip journey that it would only be fair to give you a positive update of how things are going. Good news, Parsnip is back to laying again! She is back to being the bossy-boots that we all know and love and that makes us all incredibly happy.☺ It was getting to the point where it was all a bit depressing. 😂 First, she hurt her right foot with the blue tag on it. We'd noticed some swelling at the top of her foot and we saw that she was quite visibly limping around so we kind of concluded that she must have jumped off the gate like she always does, and bashed her foot on the way down. We gave her some salt and vinegar hot baths and disinfected her foot with some rubbing alcohol. We'd also isolated her from the other chickens so that she wouldn't get pushed around whilst she was recovering. She was still laying then and after a few days we could see that ...