What do I ultimately want to achieve for 2021 - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today I wanted to talk about the impending question, what do I ultimately want to achieve for 2021? Last year, if you've read my featured post on my main page about my 2020 new year's resolutions, I would say that I was rather ambitious and slightly materialistic with what I wanted to achieve for myself. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. It's good to be adventurous and step outside your comfort zone, and it's good to want to grasp for something better. How am I to blame anyway? I was rather excited for the new decade like I know a lot of other people were. However, judging by how weird this year has been, I do want to set something that's challenging but yet still achievable, as we enter another unpredictable year. Therefore I've decided to go for one thing this year and I've done a lot of thinking about it. For my birthday this year, I got a writing journal and I would very much like to begin...