This year's different Christmas still brought us joy! - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I hope you too had a very merry Christmas because I know that despite the current situation here in the UK, that's exactly what I had. I know that with the presence of the new variant of the Coronavirus, everyone's spirits were suddenly dimmed as we were all bumped up a tier, with most of us entering another complete lockdown in tier 4. I know also that with most other countries afraid of obtaining this new form of the virus, many who were expecting to go home this Christmas to finally see their family, were left stranded, spending a Christmas in a country that wasn't their home land. However, Christmas is what you make of it and there's always time to have some fun, even if we're not in our usual social situation. It felt strange seeing the empty sofas that would usually be filled by chattering friends on Christmas Eve but it was still nice to spend some quality time with the family where we would otherwise be rushing around, preparing food in a hurry. It was also nice to just relax on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We all endeavour to work hard but we must also remember to play hard and chilling out and having a good time is what we all aimed to do over Christmas!

Christmas Eve was really nice because me and my sister just watched loads of films for the whole day. In the morning, we watched the film Bill, which had all the actors from Horrible Histories and they re-enacted William Shakespeare's rise to fame. It was really funny because it also involved King Phillip II of Spain and they poked fun at his failed invasion of Britain. I also watched the Princess Switch Switched Again as a sequel to the first movie that I watched the other day. It was really good and I couldn't believe that Vanessa Hudgens played three characters at once. The basic plot of the film is that these two princesses get switched around when one of them is about to be crowned queen and there's a lot of confusion and misunderstanding that goes down because they both look very similar. In the evening, I watched Gangsta Granny with my sister and it was really funny. It's about a boy called Ben, who finds his granny really boring until one day, he finds a tin full of jewels in the kitchen. The two then plot to steal the Crown Jewels and it's really funny. As a family, we also watched the Mask which starred Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz in it and it was also really funny. I will try not to give too much away but it's basically about this bank clerk called Stanley Ipkiss who gets transformed into a crazy superhero when he wears a magical mask. It was a great film and might I say, Jim Carrey's ballroom dancing was really amazing!

Then we all ate our Christmas Eve evening meal. It consisted of the tasty sausage rolls that me and my sister helped to make a couple weeks ago, as well as homemade bread, prawns, cheese, tomatoes, salmon, and some pâté. It was delicious! We were also listening to Fairytale in New York by the Pogues as we were eating which was nice!

To finish our day of film watching, we also decided to watch Casablanca. It wasn't my favourite and it was pretty long but it was a classic and I'm glad that I gave it a go!

The next day on Christmas Day, we opened the presents at around 9:00am. On Christmas Eve, I also helped my sister to wrap up some of the presents that she bought for mum and dad. She got mum some candle melts to put over the candle melter and she also got dad his favourite book which was the Stainless Steel Rat. They both really liked their presents! As for me, on Christmas Day, I also got some nice smelling wax melts from my sister, as well as a hamper of biscuits and chocolates, the autobiographies of Craig Revel Horward and Shirley Ballas, some nice clothes, a few bath essentials, and a fun lamp that you would have already seen if you follow me on Instagram. Me and my sister also got new tablets from our dad which we were really grateful for. I'm using it to write this post right now and it is so much better than my old one! Thanks to my family for all the lovely gifts!💜

Me and my sister then made some hot chocolate out of the hot chocolate bombs that we also got for Christmas. Don't worry, they don't really explode but you just pour some hot milk over the chocolate ball and it will just melt into a nice hot chocolate with everything that you need. We drank this whilst watching Billionaire Boy on the TV. Like Gangsta Granny, this was another one of David Walliams's films and it was really funny!

After getting dressed and ready, putting on my nice stylish blue jumper with a pair of jeans and my yellow scrunchie in my hair, and playing some Minecraft on my new tablet, we all got together for Christmas Dinner in the early afternoon. We had cockeral because it's not as dry as the traditional Christmas turkey and we had this with stuffing, pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, vegetables, and a drizzle of delicious homemade gravy on top. I also had some apple juice in an unnecessarily fancy glass!😂 It was spectacular!👌

After opening the crackers, telling stupid jokes, and wearing silly paper hats, we then decided to watch the Queen's Speech. We never normally do this but after 2020's rollercoaster of a year, we were really interested to see what the Queen was going to say. It turns out that her speech was lovely and a nice tribute to all the NHS and key workers who have been working tirelessly throughout the year to make sure that everyone was okay. Here's the amazing speech if you haven't seen it already.

ITV News

For the rest of the day, we watched the movies the Italian Job and Home Alone 2 and also watched the Strictly Christmas special, the Strictly Countdown. My mum, my dad, and my sister all lit the Christmas pudding with the brandy whilst I had a slice of Bûche de Noël or Yule log as you might know it as. I'm not a fan of Christmas pudding so I had this cake instead. It was delicious but I was completely stuffed at the end so I didn't have any dinner!

On Boxing Day, I had another chilled out day. I watched the rest of Gordon Buchannan's the Bear Family & Me with my sister in the morning and then I watched Last Christmas with my mum and my sister in the afternoon. It's kind of a sad movie with a Jack Frost kind of vibe to it but it was a nice way to finish off a good Christmas!

I hope that your Christmas was just as amazing!

Let me know in the comments below what you got up to this Christmas and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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