The funny advent calendar story - Blogmas day 1 - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

It's Blogmas day 1, I'm very happy to announce. I'm going to make this a regular thing but I'm also going to do a couple normal posts in case you're not as into Christmas as everyone else. I do hope you enjoy this post anyway!

Everytime my mum gets me and my sister an advent calendar she always has to mention this story because it is seriously funny. When I was younger, about 7 or 8 years old, my mum got me and my sister advent calendars like she usually did. I was never opposed to getting an advent calendar because who doesn't want to have chocolate, right? However, I don't think I fully reached an understanding yet about when an advent calendar was given out so when my mum gave me a Pepper Pig purple advent calendar one 1st of December those years ago, I think that I honestly just saw it as a purple janky thing with no purpose whatsoever. Plus, I was 8 years old and growing out of this Pepper Pig nonsense so I just was NOT going to take it. In my irrational fit of rage I threw my advent calendar across the floor and said "ugh, this is for Babies!" As soon as I said that, I remember feeling bad for doing that but now looking back on it, I think that my parents were just trying really hard not to laugh. Once I realised what it was and that it had chocolate inside of it, I began to calm down a bit. 😂🍫

However, this is the story that still and probably always will, come up on the 1st of December. I will quite happily say that I did apologise for my actions that day. I don't know exactly what came over me to act so impulsively.😂 But yes, this year, I got a Cadbury's chocolate advent calendar and it can probably be considered more babyish than my original Pepper Pig one. No joke, it has signs that you can cut up with blunt scissors if you're a child and stick on your windows and doors to show where Santa has to deliver your presents.🤷‍♀️ I don't see the point in causing so much drama about it now, especially when there's still something to be enjoyed from it.

I think that this is what Christmas is all about. Yes, you can get fancy calendars now but I think the traditional chocolate ones will always win in my opinion because they give you something to look forward to. It doesn't matter how babyish or cheap your calendar is, as long as you can enjoy the build up to Christmas just as much as Christmas Day then I think that that is something to be appreciated and considered. I think little stories like this are also one of the main things that make my Christmas special and I've got so many more to tell so let me know below if you would like to hear them. They're a bit embarrassing but who cares? 

What advent calendar have you got this year? Have you got a chocolate one or a fancy one? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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