I had a migraine + negative side effects with online education - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

A couple weeks ago I got a migraine. It was a Thursday evening and I had just finished my school work when all of a sudden, my head started to feel a bit weird. I remember looking at my tablet screen as I was writing up another blog post and just squinting slightly at the light coming from it. When I went downstairs to set the table for dinner, that's when I felt my head begin to ache. I ate my food that evening because I was hungry but the pain in my head got progressively worse as I was eating. I had to put a cold glass of water on my head to soothe the pain but even that wasn't working. I also was drinking the water and that wasn't working either. My parents suggested that I sit down whilst they cleaned all the dishes. I literally laid like a bag of potatoes on the sofa in the semi-dark living room, willing my head to stop hurting. I cried a bit because it wouldn't stop hurting. I'm not one not one to jump straight to medication in times like this but I've never had a migraine before so I figured it wouldn't do me any damage to have an ibuprofen. I had to stop watching another episode of the Crown with my mum and my sister because I felt a bit nauseated looking at the TV screen. From there, I proceeded to lie in the dark on one of the sofas in the extension, hovering around the toilet with a black bucket in my hands. I wasn't actually sick in the end and I listened to the Twits audio book with my dad, which calmed me down significantly. Although my brain felt a bit tender the next day, my migraine thankfully didn't last long. Phew!

I think what perhaps caused my migraine was a mixture between over-working slightly and staring at a computer screen all day. I know that I drank water that day because I always have a water bottle on standby when I do online school. I just think that there was little time for me to rest and do nothing. Thursday is just one of those days for me where not only does it feel super long, it is super long. I have a lesson at 9:00am at the earliest and although I can have a 2-3 hour break in the afternoon, I still end up finishing at 5:20pm with period 7. This, alongside a computer screen, a sofa, and constantly going back and forth between my room and my living room to bring all my school stuff, is some task! I am thankful for online school in some respects because, as my parents say, I don't know what I would have done if this had happened in the 1970s when there wasn't this technology around. I can hate school and I can love school but nevertheless, I am grateful for the presence of Zoom and Microsoft Teams. It's just a skill to learn how to deal with the negative side effects that can come with it. It was a mistake to do work in the evening, when it was really time for me to rest. Luckily, my school lessons have been shortened from an hour to 45 minutes to accommodate online learning. I am definitely using this time to stretch, get a drink, and take my eyes off the blue light because I don't want to have another migraine!😂

Learn from my mistakes, and take a break in between lessons if you're doing online school. I find that it helps a lot!

Have you ever had a migraine before? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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