Is figure skating a dance style? - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I feel like I'm saying this a lot but apologies for not posting on Wednesday. There's just been a lot of sad things happening this week in general and in my personal life and finding the time to post has just not been on my radar. I will talk all about it in my next post but for now, I just wanted to post something fun for Dance Saturday.

A question that has popped up a lot in my mind recently is, can ice-skating be considered as a style of dance? Personally, I think it can. I've been watching a lot of figure skaters on YouTube and Instagram recently and I've just been completely in awe of their talent. How one can just do an axel and barrel roll on bladed shoes on slippery ice just amazes me. I would say that I've grown to become a better skater because I've done it often enough with my friends and my family that I've gained a decent balance on the ice but there was one time when I was skating on Jesus Green in Cambridge and I nearly did the splits on the ice when I slipped and fell in front of everybody. To me dance isn't just about being artistic, it's also about going beyond your limits to better your craft and considering figure skaters are performing these amazing stunts on the ice,  makes me think that this is dance. I was watching another one of those a day in a life videos made by Allure of the American Olympic figure skater Mirai Nagasu and the words that literally came out of her mouth were "I was the first American figure skater to land a triple axel so that was pretty cool." Looking at how difficult of a jump an axel is, I nearly jumped out of my seat hearing how casual that sounded!🤣 Equally, the other day, I watched another figure skater called Denali who did a skating routine to "When I Grow Up," and she literally did a full back tuck on the ice, on time to the music, without falling over. It's one thing as a dancer in the studio to perform acrobatics to music but it's a completely different thing trying to do that on ice! I also remember watching one of Michelle Khare's popular Challenge Accepted videos where she trained to become an Olympic figure skater in a month and I would say that she succeeded but, like most things in life, it didn't come without the effort. She had to work out, skate even though she was working at the same time, and she had to train in ballet to perfect her turns. Ballet is one of the core principles of dance and the fact that it's incorporated into figure skating makes me think that skating is dance. Skating requires technique, athleticism, drive, and precision which are all key components of dance so I believe that yes, figure skating is a dance style!



Michelle Khare

Is figure skating dance? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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XOX, Juliette

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  1. I agree with you that ice skating can be a kind of dance. I enjoy watching figure skating and ice dancing. Now that is definitely dance in my opinion.

    1. Yes, I'm glad you agree! 🙂❤


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