LIFE UPDATE: Mock exam revision, group fundraising, and awkward conversations - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 10) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Today, I'm going to be giving you guys a little bit of a life update because I feel like a lot has happened and I thought that it would be nice to talk about it all with you on here. Grab a cup of tea, coffee, a plate of biscuits, or your breakfast and I hope you enjoy this short life update!


  • One of the things that has been occupying quite a lot of my time recently is revision! Yes, we're having flashbacks to the stressful GCSE exam period where we were all panicking about nothing because the exams never happened!πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ No, in all seriousness, I have been trying to go over a few things in science with my dad. The problem that I have sometimes is that I don't always know what I struggle with the most so it's kind of a guessing game trying to figure out what I need to work on most. However, I feel like I'm slowly getting somewhere because I now have a little bit more of an understanding of what I didn't quite get before in science so I guess that's a good thing. One thing I know that I have struggled with however, is picture descriptions in history. As part of the IB history exam, I have to interpret a cartoon or photograph from a particular period of time and for some weird reason, I'm rubbish at knowing what things in the pictures mean on the wider historical/contemporary scale. I'm having to work on that quite a bit because it is certainly not my fortΓ©.
  • Another thing that has been occupying my time recently, is group fundraising. Me and the rest of my World Challenge Tanzania group have organised a raffle that we're going to host and do with the rest of the school community. I wrote a short description for the Just Giving fundraising page explaining how it works and what the money is going towards and some other people have created descriptions for the posters that are now up around the school. We've also collated different sorts of prizes that we're going to hand out to people who win like meal for 2 vouchers and Easter chocolates. In the past week or so, it has been all about going around and talking to people to see if they're willing to join in the raffle. I've had to put my mask on and talk to all the boisterous lower-school students about the raffle which was both awkward and slightly annoying.πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ I had to talk to a group of year 8 boys and one of them literally told me "ugh, sorry I'm broke, I can't join in your raffle." To be honest, I would have been broke myself at that age but it doesn't make the process any easier. That's the thing with fundraising, sometimes you've got to do things that you really don't want to do just to get the money. Beg, borrow, and steal! πŸ˜‚
  • There is one conversation that has been popping its head recently at the dinner table and that is the dreaded "boyfriend conversation." πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ I've never really talked about this subject on here before because quite frankly, it has not always been my number one concern! However, it has been a topic that my mum and my sister lo-o-o-ve to talk about and me and my dad hate to hear. They often ask me, "Ohh Juliette, are there any nice, good-looking guys who go to your sixth form?" I just recoil in my seat because most of the time I just think to myself, "nah, not really." πŸ˜‚ However, my mum does keep going on about this guy that I know quite well and who apparently, when she came to pick me up one time, said hello to her and asked her how she was. She keeps saying to me "What a well-behaved young man he was. He clearly recognised that I was your mum. You know, for a complete nerd and a super tall guy, he doesn't look too bad!" It is clear that she is trying to make something happen between us but one just has to cringe a little bit at that.
How has life been for you? I want to genuinely know how you feel, so give me a response the length of your choice below. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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