How I celebrated my 17th birthday - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

If you're a close friend of mine or follow me on Instagram, you will know that on Sunday the 4th of July, I celebrated my 17th birthday and it was great. In the morning, I opened all my presents with my family. I received a variety of different things like shorts, some new t-shirts, Japanese sweets, chocolates, and candles. I was really grateful for everything that I got and it was a nice morning spent with the family. In the afternoon, I invited my two friends from sixth form, Maia and Teresa. As I'm sure many of you already know, I go to an international sixth from college so Maia's from Italy and Teresa's from Poland and I found that they both connected with my family because we're fairly international too. I was unsure how the day was going to turn out because they had never been round my house before but we all ended up having a really great time. I introduced them to my family, showed them around the house, and showed them my chickens. They were quite clearly amazed by all the art that they saw and Teresa quite rightly said, "you are such a creative family!" I was also grateful for the gifts that I received from them as well. A traditional French play, a leaflet from Teresa inviting me to Warsaw, and a book on John.F.Kennedy, I found were fairly thoughtful gifts to receive.

Maia and Teresa also came round for lunch and my mum made Flammekuche or Tarte FlambΓ©. We were going to eat a traditional Sunday roast dinner but on Saturday I found out that Maia and Teresa were actually both vegetarian so that mission had to be aborted, despite the fact that my parents bought two chickens! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ Luckily, we eat a lot of chicken in this family so that didn't go to waste. I think Maia and Teresa both loved the Flammekuche anyway because they were going back for second helpings. My mum also made a really nice Fraisier for my cake and Maia and Teresa really enjoyed that too. πŸ™‚ After lunch, we sat and talked some more and me and my sister showed them the upstairs and I showed them my bedroom. It wasn't the tidiest I must admit but I think that Maia and Teresa were both equally amazed by how many animal-themed things I had in my room, from the teddies to the posters on my wall! (They were also interested in the more mature items in my room too, like my books and dance certificates πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ). After talking about future plans in my room, we all went downstairs to watch the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants on Netflix. One cannot simply have a girly birthday without watching at least one somewhat girly and somewhat romantic film! Thankfully though, we finished the day with an intellectual conversation. πŸ˜‚ 

All in all, it was a very good birthday!x It's strange to think that I can now take driving lessons.😬

How have you spent your birthdays over lockdown? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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