
Showing posts from August, 2021

What's it like getting the Covid-19 vaccination? - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  About a week ago, I posted on my Instagram story that I got my first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination. Until this summer, people aged 16 and 17 years old in the UK, were still not yet allowed to have their Covid-19 vaccination. However, after much deliberation, in August the government finally allowed teenagers in this age bracket to get their first vaccination. Personally, I agreed to get vaccinated because I saw how much it could help the people around me. After all the adults had their vaccinations earlier this year, it seemed as though more young people (including my friends and my peers) were getting Covid because they were the only ones in the population who were not vaccinated. For me, it was a choice that I made myself through my own observations so it was a fairly easy decision for me. Whilst I encourage people to get vaccinated, I understand that it is still a personal decision that should be thought over carefully so I w...

A dance teaching job for the next academic year? - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 18) - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Yesterday, from when I'm writing this, I got a text message from the principal dance teacher at Inspirations School of Performing Arts about a potential dance teaching job for the next academic year. As you all already know, during year 12, I did some work with Inspirations. I took part in some paid and unpaid work experience with the school as a dance teaching assistant and it was really fun and it gave me a lot more experience. As I've been working with the school for a few months now, I got asked if I wanted to help teach some ballet, acro, and street dance classes over the next academic year. Unfortunately, I wasn't given too many details on when or where I would be teaching these classes, or how much I would be paid, but if I'm available to teach and the pay is good, I might just take up the offer. At the moment, I'm just waiting to get my school timetable for year 13, so I can let the principal know when ...

Pure good is deceitful and malicious, here's why - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today I thought that I would share a thought with you that I had the other day, on whether good can in fact turn evil. In the modern world, we are exposed to these new ideologies that are perceived as good and because they sound good they are not questioned. However, I personally believe that this places people in a very vulnerable situation where they're akin to believing in ideas, before they understand what they mean. To think critically is to look beyond the surface of every idea and be analytical of its core so instead of giving yourself up to an idea straight away, you should attack it until there is a reason to believe in it. Here I make an argument about how there isn't one definition of good as it's subjective to the circumstances. Let me know what you think of the thought in the comments below. Feel free to be critical of this. :) In my opinion, a good person can be classified as someone who recognises that t...

Visiting Dunster Castle

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As some of you would have already seen, if you follow me on Instagram, me and my family went on holiday to Somerset. We're staying in a cute little bungalow in the Somerset countryside for two weeks! This means that we have plenty of time to visit some cool places. One of the cool places we have already visited is Dunster Castle, which is near to where we are staying. As a history lover, I was really looking forward to visiting some historical sites and Dunster Castle seemed like the perfect place for me. Today I'm going to tell you all about my visit! Dunster Castle is a former motte and bailey castle that dates back to the Anglo-Saxon era. When I visited the castle, I could tell that it was a classic motte and bailey castle because it was located on top of a hill, in the middle of the village of Dunster and it had a wall encircling the main building.  For a castle as old as it was, it was also extremely well kept. The roo...

Order can come in many forms: Sport, faith, and therapy - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I'm not normally a listener of BBC Sounds but recently I came across their YouTube channel and I discovered an interesting interview that they hosted with Professor Jordan B Peterson, in Moss Side Fire Station Boxing Club in Manchester. The interview was entitled "Jordan B Peterson on masculinity and the plight of young men" and the interviewer was Nihal Arthanayake. After watching Jordan's excellent interview with North Korean human rights activist, Yeonmi Park, on her life in North Korea and how she managed to escape a tyrannical country, I was inspired to do some more research on Jordan Peterson and I happened to come across this interview. If you're unaware of who Jordan Peterson is, he is a philosopher and clinical psychologist who, in the world of modern politics, is quite the figurehead in guiding the people away from authoritarianism both on the far left and far right of the political spectrum. He has...

Your ultimate life ambition is often difficult to find - Life After Sixth Form (Post 2) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Sometimes I can be critical of other people for being directionless in life but as I'm approaching my final year of sixth form, I can understand why some people still don't know what they want to become. When I was around six years old, I would have probably thought that by now, I would have a crystal clear vision of the career I wanted to have and how I wanted to achieve it. However, I went on a walk recently with my mum around my village and we had a conversation about my future plans. As I mentioned in the last post, I was in the process of writing a personal statement for dance but my mum made me question whether dance was actually the right path. She mentioned that although anything I ultimately chose to do,  she would support, she also did not hesitate to say that the dance industry was incredibly competitive and that a minor injury could prevent me from finishing my degree. For me, this did throw a spanner into the...


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