Pure good is deceitful and malicious, here's why - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Today I thought that I would share a thought with you that I had the other day, on whether good can in fact turn evil. In the modern world, we are exposed to these new ideologies that are perceived as good and because they sound good they are not questioned. However, I personally believe that this places people in a very vulnerable situation where they're akin to believing in ideas, before they understand what they mean. To think critically is to look beyond the surface of every idea and be analytical of its core so instead of giving yourself up to an idea straight away, you should attack it until there is a reason to believe in it. Here I make an argument about how there isn't one definition of good as it's subjective to the circumstances. Let me know what you think of the thought in the comments below. Feel free to be critical of this. :)

In my opinion, a good person can be classified as someone who recognises that there are faults in the world and that society will never be perfect but, despite that, they still try to make the world a better place and work towards the greater good. I believe this because there are too many complex problems in the world that exist and that will be created faster than they can be solved, to even begin to imagine that the world will ever be a perfect place, but in order to live harmoniously, we must at least strive for the impossible good. In my opinion, someone who strives for good in it's purest form (i.e they try to make the world a better place when they do not recognise the realities of the world and that society will never be perfect) they will always end up working for what is purely evil instead of what is purely good. When you believe in your version of reality that does not exist, your mind is exposed to all the people and things that do not comply with that vision. When you believe in an intangible good (i.e good in it's purest form) you are driven to remove every aspect of evil to achieve this pure sense of good because that good is disguised as the highest morality. In the process of removing evil, individuals can destroy everything in their path. Ideologies that aim for a utopia (a pure sense of good) can stem from evil and individuals who just want to cause suffering. However, in the majority of cases, the most deceitful ideologies and perhaps the most detrimental, are the ideologies that aim for a utopia (a pure sense of good) but are masked behind the positive nature that can be seen in that good. This means that good people can unconsciously do bad things. This is because it is easier to justify what is good than it is to justify what is bad. I believe that most people are inherently good people, who care about others and who wouldn't wish to hurt a single soul. However, good can sometimes be too innocent and too naive, and therefore ignorant of the fact that life wouldn't be life without a little bit of suffering and a little bit of struggle because small doses of suffering and struggle is what gives us a purpose to change.  It can also be argued that Neo-Marxism is a Utopian ideology as it's an ideology that aims to achieve the purest good. From my observations, Neo-Marxism, as seen in the modern world, can encompass a variety of different beliefs but the basic ideology builds upon the belief systems laid out by the German philosopher, Karl Marx, in that capitalism is a tool used by rich businessman to oppress the proletariat. The rich businessman, however, have now become people like the powerful, white, misogynistic males in government and the capitalism has now become the system that oppresses "minority groups" (the new proletariat) such as the black community, the LGBTQ+ community, and women. There are some people who are very quick to say that Neo-Marxism is a harmless belief. However, the idea itself is disguised behind the good-natured veil of anti-racism, gender equality, and equality for all sexualities and therefore makes people fear arguing against it. Moreover, those who do argue against this are silenced because, as I've previously highlighted, Neo-Marxists are working towards pure good and are attempting to remove all of what they perceive as evil to obtain this. This removes people's freedom of speech which just brings about more inequality as a result, which is what most good people don't want. In reality, all ideas should be questioned because even the good sounding things in the world can turn very bad very quickly if left unquestioned. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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