A dance teaching job for the next academic year? - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 18) - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Yesterday, from when I'm writing this, I got a text message from the principal dance teacher at Inspirations School of Performing Arts about a potential dance teaching job for the next academic year. As you all already know, during year 12, I did some work with Inspirations. I took part in some paid and unpaid work experience with the school as a dance teaching assistant and it was really fun and it gave me a lot more experience. As I've been working with the school for a few months now, I got asked if I wanted to help teach some ballet, acro, and street dance classes over the next academic year. Unfortunately, I wasn't given too many details on when or where I would be teaching these classes, or how much I would be paid, but if I'm available to teach and the pay is good, I might just take up the offer. At the moment, I'm just waiting to get my school timetable for year 13, so I can let the principal know when I would be available. If there aren't any issues, I should be getting my timetable online on the 31st of August so I can hopefully let the teacher know my schedule before September. Taking into account my schedule during year 12, I know that my IB course can get super busy so this job really depends on what my timetable looks like for year 13. To be honest, if I'm unable to do it, the principal is better off choosing someone who can give their complete undivided attention. However, I would like to get this job because I think I would enjoy it and it will give me some more money for my Tanzania trip. I probably won't be able to teach all three classes, but hopefully there are some sessions I'm still able to do. We shall see. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Are you taking on any jobs over the next academic year? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

P.S. Check out my two recent YouTube videos below!

Jujupage1 👇⬇️

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