Personal growth is a choice - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Modern society has now adopted a new mantra and that is "there are victims in this world and people in positions of power should help them in order to make a change." For the most part, I believe this mantra to be true. Any good, dignified human being would recognise their role in this world as a helper to others and I'm sure anyone like this would gladly sacrifice a piece of themselves and invest it in others to help mend their circumstances. Ultimately, if there were no great helpers such as the many doctors, nurses, carers, charity-givers, volunteers, and generally kind hearted individuals, society would simply not be able to function. However, there are certain circumstances where people are capable of doing their part to make a change, but choose to live off the help of others instead. I find that one's inability to take responsibility over their own lives, often creates this behaviour. 

I don't wish to go into great detail about this story because it's rather personal but a few months ago, a family of three moved into the council house next door to our house. If you've been following my blog this year, you would have seen the post that I wrote about the passing of our two elderly neighbours around February time. It turns out, the house that they had once lived in was the house that this new family of three was moving into. My mum can read personality traits pretty well upon first meeting someone so she never really trusted the lady who became the occupant of the house. However, all I saw was a young single mother, with a young autistic girl and her baby brother, moving into a neighbourhood to escape what seemed like a pretty awful biological father of the children. I did feel slightly sympathetic towards the family's situation as it did seem pretty abhorrent. However, all that changed when the boyfriend (who wasn't really allowed to reside there), came to stay because from 11:30pm until 12:30am on the very first night, there was intense bickering. If it wasn't for my dad knocking on their door at the early hours of the morning, this bickering, that could be heard from across the street, would never had ended. From that day, we've never really trusted the lady but she did seem pretty apologetic afterwards so we eventually felt pretty comfortable with helping her out with some things like cleaning the garden, which had quickly become a mess in contrast to the lovely botany that was there prior. One day, she also told us that she had broken it off with her boyfriend and then the arguing (which did still continue) eventually subsided. However, to cut a long story short, the boyfriend or the cap man as we like to call him because he seems to hide his expressions under his cap, has now returned. All the work that my parents have put in to try and change the course of this family's life was discarded carelessly and with far too much ease. Now the blinds are down at every window, no one answers the door, and the family seems to rarely leave the house. My parents are monitoring the situation but it's a sad end to a story nevertheless. 

This whole situation has made me realise that there are plenty of people in the world who are willing to help others but sometimes recipients of that help don't always put that help to good use. Therefore, the mantra that helping others leads to change is only mostly true.  Personal growth requires people to put their own input to make that change a reality. I understand that this lady who has just moved in is young and has had a chequered past, but no one is completely incapable of turning their life around, people just don't realise that. I live on a street that is a mixture between council and privately owned houses and things are pretty peaceful most of the time. People in their privately owned houses are extending their homes to make them bigger and other single mothers who are also living in council houses on the street, are working hard in their jobs to provide for their families. These single mothers chose to put their help to good use and things are working out well for them. I hope that by being surrounded by a community of people who are successful, this one single mother can get inspired to get back on the right track but I'm no puppet master of people's future. People must make the choice of personal development themselves. 

What do you think, is personal growth a choice? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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