The Project 21 Christmas dance show!👯‍♀️💃 - Blogmas day 2

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Last Saturday was officially the final class of Proiect 21 for 2021! Isn't that strange? I know that so many people say this every year but I seriously feel like 2021 has flashed before my eyes. So much has happened this year that I feel as though I've been unable to absorb it all. There have been so many great moments and so many sad moments that I'm sure you've all already read about on my blog but the Project 21 Christmas dance show was a way to celebrate everything, come together and have fun. Although I've had some issues with Project 21 in the past, I had a great time last Saturday dancing with all of the members of the team! And working alongside my friends who have joined the family too: Teresa and Audrey, who helped out with everything as well. Maia would have liked to have been there as well, but she went to spend the weekend in Italy with her family, so she was unfortunately unable to join us. Nevertheless, I would like to share this little moment of my life with you today!

If you've been following me on my Instagram stories recently, you would have seen the photo last Saturday that I posted of me wearing my Christmas jumper for the Project 21 dance show. On my jumper was a narwhal and above it was written "Joyeux Narwhal," which if you don't understand French, is a play on words for the phrase "Joyeux Noël," which means merry Christmas in English. 🐳 My manager sent a message around on the WhatsApp group the day before the show had started, to remind us that if we wanted to dress up in a Christmas-themed outfit for the day, we were more than welcome to. Well, this was my Christmas outfit and overall I thought it was rather good! Strangely enough, when I've worn this jumper in the past, I've had people come up to me and ask what the "Joyeux Narwhal" bit was supposed to mean, so I didn't think anyone at Project 21 would be able to decipher it either. However, one of the parents at the end of the show came up to me and said "I like your jumper, it's very witty." I guess I felt rather chuffed with myself that someone understood the message and liked it too!

When I arrived at the secondary school for the morning session, I was put straight to work as there was quite a lot to get done. For the first hour of the morning, the members were going to do a dress rehearsal of all the numbers that we had practised the weeks before. Everyone looked very extravagant with their Christmas attire and ready to get dancing, which was nice to see. I had to support the members for quite a few of the dances. Maia would have been one of the assistant teachers for a routine that one of the dance teachers had choreographed to Elton John and Dua Lipa's latest song, Cold Heart. However, Maia was obviously not there so I had to take over. Everything was going rather well until I placed my arm over my head to begin the routine and I realised that I was wearing a "Ho, ho, ho" headband, that I nearly knocked off! Whoops. At least I was able to continue the routine without further embarrassing myself. 😂💜 However, the most difficult dances to support were probably the Startlets routines. I love working with the little ones; I think that young Down's Syndrome children are adorable and a bundle of fun. But when they don't want to dance, they really don't want to dance! So it quite quickly becomes a case of standing them up manually and making yourself look ridiculous just to encourage them to dance. Sometimes it's even a case of you running around the stage, trying to get them to join in. Thankfully, their routines were quite simple so there wasn't too much movement to remember but my God, it can be a lot of work! 🤣❤❤

It turns out that when the parents came to watch the real show, I supported every single dance. I don't know how many dances we did but there was quite a few 😴. I now have "Gina, Gina, the laughing hyena" song in my head and "Let it go" from supporting the Startlets. However, by far my favourite dance to perform was SexyBack by Justin Timberlake. I guess hip-hop is one of my favourite styles to perform and getting to dance in this style again was great. The Aladdin finale dance was also a lot of fun. It was a great way to finish a tiring but fantastic show!

After the show, everyone had put out lots of cakes and party food for us to eat. After doing so many dances, I definitely helped myself to some food! 🧁🍩

Overall, I really enjoyed the day. I was talking to one of the dance teachers who said "the dress rehearsal was really great, but I feel like all the members are going to really bring it for the final performance." And they really did. No one held back, everyone gave it their all, and I was amazing to see!

Have you ever taken part in a dance show? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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