A Christmas holiday in Yorkshire - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

As I'm sure many of you already know, I spent part of my Christmas holiday in Yorkshire with my family. We stayed in an Air B&B next to Robin Hood's Bay, where we celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day and it was a lot of fun. My mum got the inspiration to go to Yorkshire for Christmas when she watched an episode of the Hairy Bikers on the TV and saw them cooking amazing seafood on the beach of Robin Hood's Bay and she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go and see the place for ourselves. During our stay, we went on a lot of walks by the sea and we were able to see the house in which the Hairy Bikers had stayed in which was pretty cool. The only shoes we had brought with us were our walking boots as they were the most practical for the hilly terrain. We didn't do too much hiking this time as there was a biting cold and staying out for long periods of time zapped the energy out of you very quickly. However, we were thankfully able to walk by the beaches of Robin Hood's Bay and Whitby which was a great way to unload any mental garbage. It turns out I cried on Christmas Eve! 😂💜 It's okay, everything seems to be fine now but I was just overthinking all the work I had to do with regards to the start of the mock exams in January. I was on holiday but at times it was difficult to relax fully because I had small pieces of revision to do. The sea walks really helped though to unwind. When faced with the prowess of the great ocean all your problems seem to turn insignificant. Perhaps crying on Christmas Eve was not the most convenient thing but it's no good bottling everything in either. You have to express yourself, it doesn't matter what the day. Thankfully though, Christmas was an enjoyable time spent with family, watching silly films, and eating lots of food. I got gifted roller skates for Christmas which I'm keen to try out as another way to unwind. I'll keep you updated on my progress with regards to that. On Boxing Day, we went to see the ruins of the Whitby Monastery. It was beautiful and a great way to end a great holiday in Yorkshire!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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