Durham - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As most of you have probably already seen on my Instagram, a couple months ago now, me and my parents went on a road trip to Durham to visit the university there. I thought it would be a wise idea to apply to other universities apart from Cambridge so that I would have more options in the future should anything not go to plan. And that's why I chose Durham because it was a good university and I also heard many good things about it from people at work who said they had studied there. I had actually wanted to visit Durham during their open day but of course this open day just so happened to fall at the exact same time as the open days at Cambridge which I suppose is typical. Both Cambridge and Durham are pretty competitive institutions to enter and I suppose they want you as an applicant to be selective with your decisions and narrow your choices down. It was quite annoying but I took to the internet and researched other wa...