
Showing posts from June, 2019

What sixth form colleges I'm hoping to go to for dance - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I've been going to a lot of taster days and taster sessions for all the different sixth form colleges that I want to go to. Next year in September, I'll be in year 12 so I'm looking for colleges now so that I'm ready for September next year. The first college I visited was kind of awkward to get to because my dad had to drive me there and the bus took too long to get there. That was an important thing for me to bare in mind because if I was to go there next year, it would take quite a while so the college would have to be really good for me to go there. However, I didn't actually like the college as much as I thought I would because they said that they specialised in dance and all they talked about was politics and how great their school council was so that kind of put me off. The next college I visited was in the centre of town and it held an open evening so I went with my parents too. This partic...

Was the USA wrong for thinking that the USSR was bad? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It is common to think that the USA is to blame for the Vietnam War. If we begin to focus on Cold War, which was fuelled by the violent acts during the war in Vietnam, it is easy to point fingers at them and not the USSR. As I've highlighted in my previous post, the media exposed the sheer brutality of the war in Vietnam. In my history lessons at school I saw the famous video tape of the girl running away from her bombed village naked because a toxic type of herbicide, called agent orange, was let off from the bomb and singed her clothes. I also saw the video footage from the supposed communist that was executed (shot in the head) by US soldiers because they were that desperate to eradicate all communists from that area. Consequently, if you were to ask me "do you think that the USA was violent during the Vietnam War?," I would have to say yes. And I won't be the only one who says that. Many Americans and a few s...

I didn't get what I expected but that's okay - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As some of you may know, about a week ago, I finished all of my mock exams. I feel like I did well because I revised a lot and I was able to apply most of my knowledge from my revision, into my exam questions. However, even though I thought I did well, there were still some exam results that I wasn't particularly happy with.  Even though I worked really hard outside of lesson times, I didn't get the result that I expected for history. For me, what I found the most difficult about history, was remembering the key dates for key events. For example, on question 3 of my exam paper, it asked "recall the events of the Berlin Crisis in 1961." What put me off the most with this exam question, was what the Berlin Crisis was because I didn't know. Had I payed more attention to the date, 1961, I would have realised it was 20 years before the Berlin Wall came down and I would have written about the Berlin Wall instead...

How to stay calm in a dance exam - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Tuesday, I found out that my dance exams were next week! Originally, I thought for some weird reason, that they were going to be on the 7th of July. It made so much sense that it would be on that day but coming to think of it, I have absolutely no idea why. On the wall in my dance studio, there was a whole list of the people who were going to be taking their exams and in big capital letters, was written the date of the exams. It said the 30th of June. I was so shocked because I realised it was next week. My sister had spotted it originally and at first I didn't believe her until I looked at the list and realised I was wrong. It made me panic a bit because I have my second parents evening for year 10 on Thursday next week, which collides with my ballroom lesson and I thought that I would still have another week to prepare but I've managed to rearrange my timetable to rehearse my quickstep after street dance on Tuesday. ...

The Cold War and what people thought of the Vietnam War in the beginning - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, The Cold War had developed over time after the war. The USA saw Stalin's invasion of Eastern Europe as a threat to the capitalist system. As a result, the USA introduced the Marshall Plan in 1948, in a desperate bid to contain the Communist system of the USSR. This was the first sign of tension between the Capitalist west and Communist east. In 1949, China turned Communist and the brutal ideology spread to the north of Vietnam. The USA, after the invasion and spread of Communism in other countries, became worried that south Vietnam and neighbouring countries would turn Communist too. In a second bid to contain Communism, the USA sent money,supplies and military advisers (soldiers) , to help the southern Vietnamese government.  The north was led my the communist leader, Ho Chi Minh and the south was led by the unpopular, corrupt, and brutal leader, Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem did not like the Buddhist population and often treated ...

We should compensate for the number of trees we cut down - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Saturday, I went to Chopsticks with my family for lunch. To get there, you have to pass a big motorway that is currently being extended since it's always full of traffic. I find the whole building process and overall construction of this new motorway quite sad since in the process of adding tarmac, they've had to cut down many trees. If I were to snapshot a photo of the area, you'd think that it was a photo of some low income country that is felling many trees because all that is left are many plains of dirt where trees once filled the empty space. It's not the only place in Cambridge that this has occured in. Every time I pass the nearby crossroads to go to dance, I see a whole hill that has had its trees felled. There were once rabbits and other animals using that small patch of land with trees to make homes. Then suddenly, it was all gone to extend the road. How do we stop this epidemic of unnecessary damage...

My last dance diary entry - Dance Saturday

10/06/19 Dance diary Themes: combinations and corner work We firstly started off the lesson by doing a warm up that was led by one of the students in the class. We did a cardio vascular exercise where we ran around the room and touched the ground and jumped up in between three jogs. We also did side skips in a circle, alternating between facing the front and facing the back. As well as this, we also did jumps around in a circle, ensuring that we were gaining height, travelling, and pointing our toes. After increasing our heart rate and getting ourselves warm, we did some stretches. We particularly focused on our front straddle by doing exercises such as lunges with our back heel down. We also increased the stretch in our lunges by taking it down to the floor and using our opposite arm to leg, we grabbed our back foot and held it for a few seconds. I personally found that this really increased the stretch in my hamstrings, which tend to get tight. Since we focused more on our f...

Why talk about the War in Vietnam? - *New series* - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, If you follow me on Instagram, @jujupage1, you will know that I've recently announced a new series. On my feed and story, I posed the question "Was the Vietnam War right for America to go through?" I've been wanting to do this blog series because living in the time where Donald Trump is president of the United States, people are beginning to put blame on a lot of things in America. For example, the abortion laws that were made in Alabama that were made by people who were pro-life. This means that due to religious reasons, people are no longer allowed to get an abortion. This has stirred up a lot of hatred against America and people like Donald Trump because it seems as though they let this happen.  One other major thing that has blown up in the media is the wall that Trump is building to stop Mexicans from moving to the US. This again has stirred up a lot of hatred not only there, but in Britain too. I hear it...

Testing Lush's Harajuku and Comforter bath bombs - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It's coming up to the final week of exams and even though it's nearly over, I've still got 4 major exams left to do and I can feel the pressure beginning to build. To help deal with the stress, I like taking baths whilst reading a good book. I read many books at once but the main one that I'm currently reading is If This Is A Woman, by Sarah Helm. I've raved a lot about this already on my second blog, The Book Hub, so you should definitely go and check them out because I've made some pretty good articles on them and its a book that I would highly recommend. Anyway, as I'm sure many of you that have been following my blog for a long time, would know that I went to Oxford Street's Lush, with my sister and I made a couple of purchases. I already did a review of one of the bubble bars so you should go and check that out but today I'm going to be talking about the Comforter and Harajuku bath bomb. O...

My dance exams in July - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As some of you may know, I'm doing my summer dance exams with my studio, on the 7th of July. I'm doing ballroom and street. In ballroom, I'm doing jive and quick step. I find jive quite easy, until you add in the arms and you start practicing with a partner because you have to coordinate your arms and feet. In comparison to other dances, jive has a lot more arm movement and it changes throughout the dance so you have to remember what comes next quickly. I don't mind quick step but the tempo confuses me a bit and I keep on mixing up the pivot step with the brush step so I'm continuing to practice that outside of lessons. As for street, I'm doing a fun, upbeat dance to 1999 by Charli XCX and a more pedestrian, layed back dance to Don't Call Me Up by Mabel. I'm confident in the dances but I just need to make sure, with the second dance, I'm not putting as much energy into it as with the first danc...

The rich and poor are equal in ignorance, but in their own way - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, At the dinner table, me and my family were talking about a private school that was set up in Cambridge that is near to my sister's sixth form college. We talked about how the middle class families, pay so much money for their children to go to these posh schools to get a supposedly higher performing education. However, if you break down the lesson criteria, the same things are still going to be taught each time. In physics, P still equals MA and the quotes from Jekyll and Hyde are still going to come from Jekyll and Hyde. Breaking it down, there is no difference. However, the majority of the people that send their children to these schools are ignorant of this. They don't see that even though they've got fancy computers, their lessons are still always going to be the same. However, opposing to this view is that the poor are also ignorant of the outside world, just in a different way. I've read Of Mice And Men, Cann...

Where am I going on holiday to in summer and what am I doing during the summer term?- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, This summer, I'm going on holiday to Portugal with my family. We're staying in these classic old fashioned Portuguese chalets in the mountains. There's a pool and we're not too far from the seaside too. I will definitely blog, Instagram, and vlog about it once I get the chance because my mum said there may not be WiFi there but nevertheless, I will catch you guys up on what I get up to. I'm really excited to go because last summer, we went to a place which we've never been to before which was Croatia and it was so much fun, I blogged all about it. Now we're going to Portugal, which is another place that we haven't been to so I'm really excited to go. As for the summer term, I'm quite busy because firstly, I'm finishing my year 10 mock exams. I've still got English, a French speaking exam, physics, biology, maths, and business. After that I'm done with exams! I've also got op...

My dance logbook so far- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Over the past few months, I've been sharing with you guys, some of my dance diary entries for my dance logbook. I haven't completed my logbook yet but it's coming up to the summer term and we need to have it completed really soon so that we can give it to the examiners. For the first part of year 10, we completed what's known as a skills audit where we ticked boxes under columns to highlight what our strengths and weaknesses were at the start of the year. We also stuck in our first diary entry underneath that which just went into detail what we did in our first lesson. Then we did what is called our SMART targets which are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. I put things like I wanted to improve my leg flexibility and I wrote the exact steps that I would take to improve it and how long that is was roughly going to take. I also added photos of me doing the stretches so that t...
