I danced on my own-dance exam experience

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

We all have things that challenge us. I did a whole blog post on challenging yourself which I won't go into detail explaining everything but I will link the post below. The basis of that post was that challenging yourself puts you one step forward towards your goal. It's like taking a chance, there's a chance it could go wrong but if it goes right, the results are amazing. On Sunday, I challenged myself. In my old dance school, for my exams, I would dance in a group in front of the examiner. I was never really nervous because I had other people around me. I was a bit nervous for me recent exam because I had to perform on my own for the first time. I'll be honest, there was a part of me that did not want to enter the studio. But, there was also a part of me that did and knew that if I did, I could go onto do more advanced technique. I'm very glad that I managed to do it because I feel like I could do it all over again which is a good thing because that was what it was supposed to do.  I also realised that had I not done the exam, I would not have achieved anything. I took a chance, and the results worked in my favour which put me one step closer to my goal of becoming a dancer.

Have challenges allowed you to achieve more in life? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them.

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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Blog post on challenge:
My thoughts and views on anxiety: http://jujupage1sblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/my-thoughts-and-views-on-anxiety.html

Social media:
Instagram📷: https://www.instagram.com/jujupage1/
My YouTube channel🎥: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCKEX1pHN4sytO9Kp4epXuHQ

My other blog:
My book review blog📓:https://jujupage1sbookreviews.blogspot.com



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