Controlling monarchy and powerful dictatorships, is there really a difference? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Apart from revising for the mock exams, in history we've also been learning the first part to our new course, Power, Monarchy, and Democracy. We're currently learning about Medieval history from Aethelred the Unready, as an Anglo-Saxon king, to arrogant kings like King John, who signed the Magna Carta. At first, I thought that there was a massive comparison between what we were learning about as part of our year 10 course on Nazi Germany and now but I realise that that was simply not the case. We seem to talk a lot about monarchy being one thing and dictatorship being another when in reality, there isn't really much difference between Hitler and Stalin who were two powerful dictators, and King Richard II, who believed he was divinely chosen by God to be king. In my opinion, a dictatorship is just a monarchy born from democracy and a monarchy is just an inherited family dynasty. Both in the past, have been seen, exploiting there power on less powerful people. That's why there was a Peasants Revolt because lower class people were tired of being used as money givers of the king and his wars. However, it's also why many people to this day, live silently under the rule of powerful dictatorships like in North Korea and supposedly in China. The Kim dynasty still exists to this day. It's not any different to the British monarchy dynasty, that has existed for such a long time, even though the monarchy has less power in the modern day world. The fact of the matter is there is no difference. If a political system didn't exist, dictatorships would just be called powerful monarchies and if monarchies didn't exist, we'd just be left with some dictatorships.


Would you say there's a difference? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette


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