
Showing posts from December, 2019

How I celebrated Christmas + what I got for Christmas

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, This year, Christmas was great. On Christmas Eve, we were having some friends over so I made sausage rolls whilst my sister was decorating the Christmas cake with fondant icing. Everyone always says that my sausage rolls are the best. I think that's because I add sweet chilli sauce to my sausage mix, along with herbs and tomato puree. This really makes them taste a whole lot better. I managed to finish making the sausage rolls early so I then went over to the table to help my sister finish decorating the cake. We cut out stars, leaves, and Christmas trees using the different fondant cutters and we then dusted them with different coloured luster dust. My sister also dusted the whole cake with a chrome luster dust and the finish product looked amazing. After all this, we got ourselves ready as friends were coming around. My sister really went all out with the Christmas make-up and outfit but I just wore some leggings wi...

A decade in my life + my new year's resolutions for 2020 - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 9)

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I think that the so called 2010s have been an evolutionary set of years. Personally for me, since I'm only 15 years old and going into the year 2020, there's a lot to say about this past decade because I learnt how to read, write, and generally deal with life. Going from a 6 year old in 2010 to a 15 year old in 2019, obviously I have gone from a child to a teenager and have grown drastically, I hope, in in intelligence, personality, and wisdom. However, there's a lot more to be acknowledged about myself because at the age of 7 years old in 2011, I first started doing dance properly. I did commercial street and I have really, I believe, excelled in it as of thus far and it has actually become one of my favourite styles of dance that I still continue to do and enjoy. However, I've also grown in confidence ever since I published my first article on this blog at the age of 12 years old. It was only a What I Eat In A D...

Secret Santa + the holidays - Blogmas day 7

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It's finally the Christmas holidays! I'm currently trying to ensure that I'm taking as much time off as possible so I'm not doing any work until at least Thursday next week. I think it's important for me to relax, to ensure that I'm ready for the 5 months of secondary school left after Christmas. Consequently, I've basically decided to binge watch a bunch of Christmas films that I like watching. One film that I forgot to mention on my top 10 Christmas favourites, was Mr Popper's Penguins. This film is hilarious. I watched it again with my mum and my sister, on the day that I'm writing this post. Again the story line isn't perhaps realistic but it's fun and great to watch as an afternoon film. The animation of the penguins in the film is also spectacular, may I add! Definitely recommend watching this film if you haven't already. I also watched the Heist with my family on Friday eve...

The Christmas holidays + Strictly Come Dancing winner- Blogmas day 6

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I genuinely cannot wait for the Christmas holidays to start. When you're reading this, this time next week will be Christmas day. I've been so caught up in school and other things that I kind of forgot about that. Time seriously flies when you're not  having fun. I'm usually quite perky even until the last minute but for some reason, like a lot of my classmates, I've just been wanting to stare at the wall for the whole day. It didn't help that my dad, my mum, and my sister were all ill for the past week so I've just been trying to chug down soluble vitamins so I actually develop some sort of immunity. A lot of my friends have also been ill and have also had to take days off school so I guess something's going around. I just think it's a sign that the end is near and we're basically all completely drained. I will be doing small amounts of regular work, just to keep my memory going for the ex...

My top 10 favourite Christmas movies 2019 - Blogmas day 5

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, I did a blog post a couple years ago like this where I went through my top 3 Christmas movies. This year, there have been so many more Christmas movies coming out that I just have to talk about them. There are also a bunch more that I like from the past that I shall be talking about today. Enjoy! My top favourite Christmas movie that has come out this year has got to be Last Christmas. I've talked about this movie previously, in my blog post called "Going to see Last Christmas + a fun day out with my mum." I shall not dwindle on it too long but I really like this movie because it isn't too cheesy and I feel like even someone who doesn't like Christmas movies that much, will still like it. It's a bit like a rom-com, in the sense that there's romance and comedy but everything is really balanced out. I especially like the ending of the I movie, as it gives me sort of Jack Frost type of vibes. I'm n...

Setting up the Christmas tree - Blogmas day 4

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Sunday, before going to my dance exam, me, my mum, and my sister all went to get our Christmas tree. My mum had to deliver a cake first for a young girl's birthday party, so on the way back we got our Christmas tree. We bought the tree from the usual rectory farm in Milton. We walked in and immediately started to claim our tree since we were a bit late in getting ours this year. We usually get the tree on the 1st of December as a tradition but we couldn't do that this year because my mum had a pop-up restaurant at home and we needed the space in the living room. One funny conversation I heard between a man and his wife, was about their tree. The woman said "I think that this is a nice tree!" Then the man replied saying "It's a nice tree but it's too big!" If you've ever wondered why we don't bring our dad along to get the tree is because A, it's not really his thing, and B, becau...

Preparing for my dance exams + Strictly reviews - Blogmas day 3

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On the day that you'll be reading this, I'll be doing my dance exams. If you've been following my blog for a while now, you'll know that I take part in dance exams at my studio, at least twice every year. We usually have one dance exam in June and another dance exam in December. On Sunday, when you'll be reading this, I'm performing my ballroom and Latin routines, as well as my commercial street routines. In ballroom and Latin, I'm doing the tango and jive and in commercial, I'm doing a dance to Senorita and Finesse. I don't usually get that nervous about these exams and I'm feeling pretty confident about my routines but I guess you'll never really know the outcome until it happens. At least I'll be performing my favourite dances in ballroom and Latin, which are the tango and jive. I feel like I'm improving at my more technical styles of dance and I do actually enjoy performing ...


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