Setting up the Christmas tree - Blogmas day 4

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Sunday, before going to my dance exam, me, my mum, and my sister all went to get our Christmas tree. My mum had to deliver a cake first for a young girl's birthday party, so on the way back we got our Christmas tree. We bought the tree from the usual rectory farm in Milton. We walked in and immediately started to claim our tree since we were a bit late in getting ours this year. We usually get the tree on the 1st of December as a tradition but we couldn't do that this year because my mum had a pop-up restaurant at home and we needed the space in the living room. One funny conversation I heard between a man and his wife, was about their tree. The woman said "I think that this is a nice tree!" Then the man replied saying "It's a nice tree but it's too big!" If you've ever wondered why we don't bring our dad along to get the tree is because A, it's not really his thing, and B, because it's not really his thing, we'll end up having the same conversation as the couple I saw.

Anyway, we found the tree that we wanted. It wasn't too tall and it wasn't too small and it had bushy branches and the leaves weren't dead so we claimed it rightfully ours. I stood by the tree whilst my mum got one of the workers to carry it to the netting area. From there, we went into the shop to pay. We had to remind ourselves not to touch anything in the store because a few years ago, my mum pressed one of the buttons on a toy and it started playing music really loudly and we couldn't make it stop. 😂😂 I also decided to cleverly pick up a pencil with a miniature snow globe on it, and fling it around until the end came flinging off. So incase you haven't already sussed out, we're very prone to acting like five year olds in these sorts of shops. 😂😂

Anyway, this time, everything went as planned and there weren't any toys in the shop for us to muck around with so all was good in the end. 

We paid for the tree and we got it hauled into the car. It just about fitted in. We were not as ambitious as the first time we got a semi-big tree, after our extension on the house. I still had to sit close to the window to prevent any branches from poking out our eye but luckily it was only a short drive home.

I was getting a bit worried because I had my dance exams next and there was an hour gap between my street dance exams and my ballroom exams. After lunch, we drove to the studio and we asked if the exams could be closer together. Unbeknownst to me, my teacher kindly allowed me to do them earlier so I was able to actually go home earlier to decorate the tree. I've been at this studio for 3 years now and I've never seen such great camaraderie. The studio I went to before that was absolutely awful. All the students thought they were great because they been dancing at the same studio since the age of 2 and all the parents were really arrogant. I'm very happy that I've found a place that is so welcoming in comparison.

If you don't know already, my dance exams went well and I left the studio feeling great. I was able to decorate the tree as soon as I got home. My mum had bought some beautiful old baubles at the charity shop and they looked amazing alongside the ones we already had. My mum was sleeping for a bit whilst we were decorating. At least she can trust us now to do a good job of decorating. When we were little, me and my sister would always congregate the baubles at the bottom of the tree because we were not tall enough to reach the top. Then when we went to bed, my mum would always rearrange the baubles so that when we woke up in the morning, we didn't know that anything changed. Now, the tree looks a lot better. I must say that I cringe a bit when I look at some of the past trees we had with all the tinsel on it!😂 However I like the fact that we've always had a real tree, even in our once small home. It was a bit messy but it made the house smell great.

When do you usually set up your Christmas tree? How long do you keep it up for? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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