What's it like dancing ballroom and Latin - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I've performed a lot of dance styles in the past and I found that most of them are very similar to each other because they're mainly performed individually. However, when I first started dancing ballroom and Latin, I realised the style was completely different. When we watch shows like Strictly Come Dancing, or we see ballroom and Latin dancers on shows like The Greatest Dancer, everything seems so simple and easy to do. In effect, once you've learnt one set of steps, the next time you perform that dance you'll probably do the same movements. However, the great thing about ballroom and Latin dance is that it isn't just about how you dance as an individual but also how you dance with your partner. Before we even get to the partner work at dance, we rehearse the steps on our own in dances like the waltz, so we know exactly how to do them when we do eventually perform the dances with a partner. However, this is probably the one time you realise that everyone dances differently. What I find amazing about any sort of partner work, is how you move exactly in sync with the other dancer because no matter how many times you go over a routine, everyone has their different style and they'll probably always do it differently to each other. When I dance with a partner, there's a lot of co-operation involved because something that I ultimately do perfectly well on my own, I'll probably struggle to do whilst being in hold with a partner. It's perfectly natural for this to happen. Although it can take a long time to perfect, when you do get all the timing and synchronization right, your dancing can look amazing. Ballroom and Latin dance does probably take up the whole dance floor and often at dance, the boys and the girls have to dance separately for one section of the routine because the style does fill the space. However, when you see the dancers seamlessly glide across the whole floor, with their movements completely effortless, that's what makes ballroom and Latin so mesmerising to watch and I think that's why many people, like myself, enjoy this style.

What's your favourite thing about ballroom and Latin dance? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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