Pizza oven and pizza party! 🍕 - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Recently, my dad finished building the pizza oven that he'd been working on for months and last week, he was able to lift it up onto the metal table he had built. The fact that he had managed to work on the pizza oven and lift it up on his own, amazes me. If you don't know how heavy a pizza oven is then I should probably break down to you how it's made. You get a metal case, in this situation an old metal oil barrel, and you cut it down to shape and then you fill it with concrete/clay so that there's a thick layer to line the inside. Once this is dry, it is pretty rock solid and weighs a tonne and that's the sort of structure my dad had to lift on the table. It was so heavy that he had to ditch the old wooden table he bought to hold it up and he had to weld a whole new metal table. My dad's a physicist so he was able to engineer a way of lifting this bomb-like oven mostly by himself. My mum was not completely convinced by his whole leverage system with wooden poles that he had done to lift it but although it scared her, the science seemed to have been right. Sooner than later on that Sunday morning, I saw a very smart black pizza oven on the table! It doesn't mean that my dad wasn't completely broken after this. He did have to relax a lot after this event but still the pizza oven was up and we were all very happy. Here are some of the photos of our homemade pizza oven. 

That day, we did a test fire on it to make sure all the clay in the oven was baked and dry before we could actually start cooking pizzas in it. There was some water from inside the clay that leaked out once the fire was in the oven but other than that, it all seemed fine and nothing exploded, which is a good thing! 😂

On Friday, me and my family went all out for the pizza party. I had just finished school and did a pretty tiring baseline assessment for science at 4:20pm so once I was back at home, I was ready to do nothing and eat pizza! We started firing the pizza oven pretty early so that it was hot enough in the evening when we would use it and my mum got the pizza dough ready. Our first pizza was not perfect. My mum said that she hadn't let the dough prove for long enough so it wasn't very easy to work with. However, it did end up tasting good anyways. There was that nice baked bottom to the pizza that wouldn't have been achievable in a normal oven and the toppings were all nice and melted. I didn't take any photos so you're just going have to imagine this for yourself I guess but it was delicious considering that it was our first try. We made about 4 or 5 other pizzas after that and they just kept on getting better and better so we were super impressed with how everything turned out. It was a really nice relaxing evening and I'm sure that now we've got everything set up with the pizza oven, we'll be having lots more evenings like this in the future. I found it really fun and relaxing, especially after a long week of sixth form.

The next day, we tried cooking a chicken in the oven but it didn't turn out as planned because we were still getting used to the temperature arrangements. My mum had seen Jamie Oliver cook a whole chicken in his pizza oven so we were all inspired to do the same but the chicken didn't end up cooking completely so we had to put our plates in the microwave for a bit.😂 I guess we were being a bit adventurous for amateurs but the chicken still ended up tasting nice even if we had to put it in the microwave to finish cooking.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Have you ever cooked using a pizza oven? What's your favourite pizza topping? Mine is pepperoni with cheese and olives but let me know your suggestions in the comments below. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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  1. Thanks for sharing this. I think this would be a great addition to the yard at the lake place. Let us know how other cooking experiments work!


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