An update on fundraising: selling, tutoring, and teaching dance - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 7) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

There have been some improvements regarding fundraising for the Tanzania expedition. About a month ago, I started rummaging through my chest of drawers trying to find some old clothes that I could potentially sell and I've managed to find a few items. I found some faux-leather jeans, some shorts, and a top that either no longer fit me or I no longer wear so I thought I might as well sell on Facebook Market Place. I also have a pair of old tap shoes to sell and my sister gave me her old Bloch trainers that I can also give away, which might give me some extra money as dance shoes are always quite expensive. Now that I've got a new tablet, I'm also going to sell my old one online for around £90 so I can get in quite a bit of money that way.

However, I've also come up with two other innovative ideas that I could use to help me fundraise. Recently, I've put out an advert on Facebook for tutoring GCSE French and speaking practise for adults online. I don't think it was as successful as I initially thought because although people liked my posts, I haven't yet got any responses. However, I have also joined a tutoring group on Facebook that targets students all over the UK so hopefully I will be able to reach more people through posting an advert on there. I will let you know how it goes. I've also recently put out another advert on Facebook for my virtual street dance class that I'm hosting for children aged 7-12 years over the half term (15th - 19th February). I've also invited parents to join in if they wanted to and I think its been pretty successful. I've only got one confirmation from one lady who said her 10 year old daughter was interested in joining in but I did manage to generate quite a good reaction from it and get a few shares so I would call that a small win. I've got one routine ready, I'm just in the process of creating another. I was also thinking of teaching the students some street dance technique and exercises so that might help me to fill up the 5 days as well.

I'm also continuing to help with the washing up for my mum's business and my World Challenge group is also coming at with a sponsored walk that we're going to attempt to do virtually over lockdown to also raise money. Overall things are slowly moving forward but I'm still going to keep trying with my tutoring and everything else because I do still want to get more money in the bank. Wish me luck!👍 

Are you job hunting at the moment? Is it successful? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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  1. Well done. I am impressed with your inventive approach to fundraising!

    1. Thank you! I'm trying out a lot of things to see what works best! 😊👍💜


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