Celebrating my dad's birthday - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Sunday, we celebrated my dad's birthday. It also happened to be Valentine's day so my dad bought something for my mum too. I always find that part a bit funny. I don't think that he will like me saying this but just so you know what age he now is, he is 50, the scary mid-life crisis age. 😂 💜 No, I mean well but one likes good humour. Hahaha.

Anyway, I do think that the day was celebrated well. Aside from nearly leaving one of my presents hidden in one of my drawers and leaving the price on some of the birthday cards, opening the presents and the gifts was joyful. No, it wasn't socks that were gifted this time. My dad got some nice jumpers, a few Cuban cigars for special occasions, some books, some alcohol, and a swanky shaving set with a brush! I think that he liked the gifts very much! :)

For breakfast, me and my family ate some good quality bacon and black pudding from Burwash Manor in Cambridge. I wasn't super hungry so I only had one slice of bacon and one black pudding. It was really delicious though and we're really lucky to be able to treat ourselves like this every so often.💜

My dad spent the morning watching his favourite film, The Blues Brothers. If you haven't already guessed, my dad is a big fan of the music genre, the blues! So much so that I can literally recite all the lyrics from the blues songs that he strums on his guitar. Me and Alice tried to watch a bit of the film with him because it was a special day. I had to reply to a few emails from the parents who were doing the street dance classes but it didn't take up too much of my time.

For lunch, we had a really nice hunk of steak that was also from Burwash Manor. This was obviously not a healthy eating day but it was so nice. The steak was so big that my mum struggled to put it in the oven! She had to takeaway a few shelves once she seared the meat on the stove so that it would fit and cook properly. We had the steak with some potatoes, homemade mayonnaise, and some broccoli. The steak was cut nicely using one of the Japanese knives that my mum got for Christmas and it was like butter in your mouth. Absolutely delicious! Yes, we are lucky to have good food and a good cook in the house!

We wanted to have a slice of birthday cake a bit later on but it must have only been 40 minutes after eating lunch when we decided to take the cake out of the fridge and eat it. My mum decided to make the cake that is very popular amongst many of her customers, the Black Forest Gateaux! It was the French version but it still tasted amazing! I was stuffed at the end of it. No dinner for me! 

In the evening, me and Alice watched the film Penelope on YouTube. We managed to watch the French version of the film that was pretty poorly dubbed but it was still nostalgic. This is one of the few love stories that I don't mind watching. Plus it has the actress who played Wednesday Adams in the Adams Family so what's not to like?

Around 7:00pm in the evening, me and my family decided to watch Saving Private Ryan to finish off the day. Yes, I know, it's a sad choice for a film but we really wanted to watch it so we thought, when we saw that it was on Netflix, that we might as well. It was a great film that was difficult to watch but also incredibly interesting from a historical stand point. 

Overall, I think my dad had a great day. Thank you to everyone who sent him your birthday wishes. It was much appreciated! :)

What do you like doing on your birthday? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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