Freeing up time and giving myself some space - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Thursday, I found myself in a bit of a predicament when I realised I had taken on way too much and I needed to reorganise my calendar! (I know, it took me this long to actually come to that realisation 😂). 

Thursdays are my busiest days. On the worst week (week A) I start at 9:00am, have one free period and stay in until 5:15pm and I'm sure that I don't have to tell you that it is exhausting to say the least. On top of that, I would have ballroom and Latin straight after school and I would need to be there by 6:15pm and so you can begin to see my massive problem. This means I have to go home by car so I get there on time, get dressed, pack my dance bag, and rush back out the door to get to Cambridge. I dance for an hour and by the time I get home, it's 7:30pm. Consequently, I've decided to stop for now, because I barely have time for myself. 😂💜

Now I observe my schedule even further, I can see that Thursdays aren't my only problem. Whilst I love teaching street dance online on Tuesday afternoons, I have come to the realisation (again 😂) that I simply cannot continue. I have barely enough time to sit down and do nothing because I have a World Challenge meeting that finishes at around 2:45pm and a dance class that starts at 4:30pm. Especially in exam season, I require that gap between lessons to relax and I need more time to do work. As a result, I respectfully asked my student if she could reschedule the street dance classes and start back up in June when the exam season is finished and thankfully, she was absolutely fine about it. 

I was thinking about stopping Project 21, the musical theatre group that I work at on Saturdays but they're going to pay me as of this week and I'm finally going to get my safeguarding and DBS check training done, so I thought it wouldn't be a smart decision to stop as of right now. 

Sorry I had a little rant but alas, I can breath!😂 I am probably the world's biggest workaholic because I choose to do too much. I found that simply reorganising my schedule and providing myself some flexibility and leeway, really gave me some relief that I didn't know I needed. Take a tip from me, don't stress yourself out with buckets of work that you might not need to do. Be willing to negotiate because free time is a valuable thing that is healthy to have. 

What are your tips for helping to free up time? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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