A day out in town - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Last Sunday, I went into town with my friend to have some lunch and hang out. Oddly enough, although I have made many trips out into town by bus with my sister, this was the first time that I'd actually taken the bus into Cambridge by myself. You might think that this is a bit late for me, but with Covid preventing me from taking the bus into college last year, I haven't gotten much practise. However, in the end, last Sunday I was able to take the 11:20 am City 8 bus into town and I survived! For half of the journey, I sat on the top part of the bus next to a young girl and her mum. The girl was making me do Tik Tok dances with her which was rather awkward but I'm glad that I was able to meet some new people on my travels. For the last half of the journey, I sat on the top front of the bus, basking in the sunshine until the bus eventually stopped at the station.

It took me a while to get my bearings and figure out which direction the Grafton Centre was at but after wandering around for a little bit, I came across a familiar path that led the way. Fortunately, as I passed the bike racks, I found my friend Maia. We then walked into the Grafton Centre and went to La Latina Bustaurante for some lunch. My mum suggested that I go to La Latina with Maia because they have some good vegetarian options on their menu, since Maia is a vegetarian. We eneded up both having the tostones but I had the beef and vegetables tostones and Maia had the veggie one. Whilst we were eating, we were talking about life and plans for when we leave sixth form. It was good having a nice little catch up. I'm glad that Maia enjoyed her food as much as I did.

After eating, we split the bill (because we're both responsible teenagers) and went off for a little look around town. I wasn't sure where to go so this time Maia took the lead and suggested that we go to the Thrive. Maia is really into sustainability so she suggested going to this charity shop to get some new clothes. I remember that I once went to the Thrive with my dad when it was a café but they must have recently diversified during Covid to include clothes into their business. Before I left the house that day, I gave my sister one of my pair of jeans to repair as it had a hole in it. When I saw a rack of jeans in the store, I immediately started looking through them and trying them on to see which ones I liked. Unfortunately the ones that were my style were too small for me and the ones that weren't my style were just the right size so in the end, I didn't end up buying anything. Maia did buy a nice belt though that she put on straight away and it looked amazing. Thankfully, when I got home, my artist of a sister was able to repair my jeans so it all worked out in the end.

After doing some shopping, we went on a short walk around Jesus Green before sitting down on the grass by the bus station to have a chat. We talked about school and how my sister Alice, now has a boyfriend! Fun times. My dream guy has not yet arrived but I'm very much waiting and enjoying my time being a strong independent woman for now!

I eventually said goodbye to Maia and waited to take my bus back. I nearly missed the bus back home but it was fine because I was able to handle it. The bus just didn't stop where I thought it would so I ended up running after it just before it left but I made it eventually! Phew!

Overall, I had a fun day out with Maia. I did also invite my Polish friend Teresa but she was visiting a friend of hers at Anglia Ruskin University so she wasn't able to make it this time. However, me, Maia, and Teresa all had such a great time celebrating my 17th birthday in July that I will just have to organise another fun event for the future. Maybe a sleepover? Who knows?

Do you often take the bus into town with your friends? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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